Thank you cager


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Jul 14, 2007
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adelaide australia
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I am so peveed with myself, after a good day with the boys (new thread with photos to come)coming home from loberthol i did something i abuse other riders for doing. I nearly killed myself and 2 car loads of people, overtaking where i shouldnt have been. One of those moments when brain turns to do do try a manuvre with a blind spot and find a car coming towards me while going around another. If the cars hadnt locked their brakes up it would have been one hell of a mess. So thankyou who ever was looking after me today.
Stuff happens....I think how we handle it is what really counts. We can try all day long to be perfect, but we make mistakes. If we get back up, treat each other with respect and understanding...that makes the difference IMHO.
I am so peveed with myself, after a good day with the boys (new thread with photos to come)coming home from loberthol i did something i abuse other riders for doing. I nearly killed myself and 2 car loads of people, overtaking where i shouldnt have been. One of those moments when brain turns to do do try a manuvre with a blind spot and find a car coming towards me while going around another. If the cars hadnt locked their brakes up it would have been one hell of a mess. So thankyou who ever was looking after me today.

I was right behind you was a close thing! Millimetres in it! But hey, dont beat yourself are human, we make mistakes, your ok, and so is everyone else....:thumbup:
Thanx guys but all said i still hate myself, wolf you know you probably had to wait for me for a eon, at the bottom of the gorge, cause i was expecting the cops there for m,y absolute stuff up. Sorry guys but when you are between 2 cars and there brakes are locked up on a windy country road cause of you doing something totally stupid then say its all right. Thanx for the support but i want to bash myself for nearly killing people doing nothing wrong.
Mate, the damage they'd have done to each other if they'd hit would've been minimal....they weren't going that fast( glad they were alert though:thumbup:). No need to feel guilt for something that didn't happen and in all probability wouldn't have been too serious for anyone but you if you did collide. That you take responsibility speaks loads off your character but don't be too hard on yourself. Learn , process and move on. I know it's easier for us to say it than for you to do it but in time this too shall pass.:thumbup:

I vote next ride is somewhere we can look through the Delamere anyone?:D
Delamere shops, up the hill left then right up onto the crest past a driveway. Past the shed with the caravan parked out on and so forth:thumbup:.
Most are 90km/h corners but slow down for the Yank turnoff as it's a black spot project, meaning they've taken a perfectly good piece of road and stuffed it up to confuse people so they will die which justifies more radars to raise more revenue:eek:.....Cynic much? The debris on this corner is starting to disappear though.

So I've done it a few times Just want to go to Victor to get my coffee card stamped so I can get a free coffee:rockon:.:cheer::rof:

Also I went there once when they weren't busy and got the best coffee I've ever had:drool::bow:
Well, even fatal accidents are just that - accidents. You never intentionally tried to hurt anyone and that is a huge difference in my book. Also, even in those situations how the survivors handle it and treat each other are some of the more defining moments of grace or continued destruction. I think grace is more constructive and productive instead of making a bad situation worse. Beating yourself up may be good to reinforce awareness, but I wouldn't do it for too long. Sounds to me like you are a very good, self-conscious rider. -my two cents
that was just a mistake aussie.

It is not an accident if you were pissed or on drugs or both. That is called inevitable and I have been an unfortunate victim of a head-on collision from an idiot who did both.