tapatalk issues

Can we establish if this is s phone software issue first before changing. There seems to be an iPhone problem?


Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
I'm good. Razr M Android.

runnining iOS6 on an ipnone 4s
but has been a prob on iOS5 and hasnt always happned
it used to work beautifully
runnining iOS6 on an ipnone 4s
but has been a prob on iOS5 and hasnt always happned
it used to work beautifully

I am the same. It works just fine for the other forums I read (ADVRider, MotoHouston, HighPerformanceCrew and TWTEX). Can't say exactly when it started, but it was before the iOS6 upgrade.
I just downloaded and reloaded tapatalk on the server... Any change?
How about now.. ( I disabled a plugin I think could be causing it)
Well Dennis I deleted the cache and it went to hell so I deleted the whole app off my phone and re loaded it seems to be ok Ill see how it goes over the next 48 hours
Thanks for the effort on your part
Much appreciated
It use to have an error where I couldn't log in now I'm good but if I close the app instead of letting it stay on in the background the next time I use it I lose my latest tab, I have an iPhone 4 with OS 6 but this happened Before the 6 update
No change here. If I delete the forum and then reinstall it everything looks fine until I shut the app down and when I start it again I get the forums, but not the "latest" view.
No change here. If I delete the forum and then reinstall it everything looks fine until I shut the app down and when I start it again I get the forums, but not the "latest" view.

Yeah Mine is the same as texcollect, I thought it was going to be better, but reloading has just taken me back to where I was and now it doesn't come up with the latrest even when I re-log in
most frustrating. I sent a msg to tapatalk see what happens!!
No change here. If I delete the forum and then reinstall it everything looks fine until I shut the app down and when I start it again I get the forums, but not the "latest" view.

Yeah Mine is the same as texcollect, I thought it was going to be better, but reloading has just taken me back to where I was and now it doesn't come up with the latrest even when I re-log in
most frustrating. I sent a msg to tapatalk see what happens!!

same symptoms here after deleting TT and reloading it
Im ready for a new forum app, is Forum Runner an option, Dennis?
coz tapatalk is REALLY frustrating