Sudden Cutoff


Chick Magnet
Oct 19, 2008
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Was travelling around 60km/h along a road. I did a left turn on a lane. What happen next was beyond my understanding:eek:. While the bike was decelerating, the engine just cutoff. Prior before entering the left filter lane I dropped a gear.

so what cause this engine cutoff. Any advise from the bros here?

Summore info
My RPM is around 1 when idling.
The bike only has 8500km on it
Its bought during Oct 08.
This is the 2nd time im encountering this engine cutoff while decelerating.
One time, sportryder had irregular shutoffs. It turned out to be a faulty CUT-OFF switch, but I doubt that's your problem...

Oh yeah! The idle speed should be around 1250-1350. That's what Jedi said. Turn on your engine and let it warmup for about 3 minutes; that should be your idle speed.
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k thx for the idling advise. will try this out 1st and update if it happens again.

thx for the reference page Jedi. appreciate it
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Could also be a TPS sensor. But, I tend to agree, that it is more than likely a faulty kick-stand cut-off switch.


yeap the TPS may be an issue here. how to check if its this problem?

Did you shift into first or lock the rear brake?
I've stalled the engine doing that before.

nope. I was shifting down gears from 5th to 4th and the RPM just drop to zero..scared the hell out of me for a while....

anyway bros, I readjusted the idling to the one recommended by the manual. will monitor it during the weekends and update if the problem is not resolved.
just came back.

Good news, it isnt the TPS 100 percent sure.

had it checked with closed throttle. the number states 16.( phew)

when i turned the throttle, the number was 101. (double joy).

but will monitor the idling the next few days and see the progress.
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More than 48 Hours after my 1st problem appeared, I derived from 1 conclusion.

Idling too low. Adjusted to the one stated in the manual. No more sudden cutoff while deceleration. Thanks a million guys for ure help.=)
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Something I noticed not posted on how to check the TPS post... Besides being within the high and low #s as posted, the numbers SHOULD BE CHECKED when opening and closing the throttle slowly both up and down. If there is any skip in numbers, the TPS is not good....