State of our roads


Junior Member
May 9, 2012
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Bit of a rant......
We all pay our road tax
We see our government pay millions on **** TV adverts..."think bike"etc etc...
Wouldnt said government be better using the cash to improve our roads???
Ok,B-roads etc we expect ruts,pot holes and the like and we all as bikers should be aware and switched on expecting them...but the main route from Edinburgh-Glasgow,the M8 motorway from start to finish is abysmal,dunno if all Fazers are like mine but its front end feedback is scary at the best of times but add a road thats full of **** repaired tarmac,ruts made by HGV,s and other crap suraces and it really tests your bottle.....
They broadcast pro biker adverts then expect us to ride on this ****......
Rant over
At least you guys get the pro-bike adverts. We have terrible surface streets in my city. My cage has needed two major suspension surgeries (wheel bearing and a compression rod bushing) and has only 65K miles. But our highways are mostly real nice. Mostly...
At least you guys get the pro-bike adverts. We have terrible surface streets in my city. My cage has needed two major suspension surgeries (wheel bearing and a compression rod bushing) and has only 65K miles. But our highways are mostly real nice. Mostly...
I'd love even a days riding in the States,long straights for miles,my kinda blasting...:thumbup:
Not sure about the cops with guns though m8 lol.....
Dude, another word out of you and i'll bring you over for a ride ok.


Your roads can never ever ever be as bad as here ... even the brand new highway they want to toll us for is slipping, not even1 year and the tar is climbing into the gutter.

That's our main highway around Johannesburg.

The rest of the roads are falling apart too. Go have a nice long ride and enjoy a government that delivers ok?

Dude, another word out of you and i'll bring you over for a ride ok.


Your roads can never ever ever be as bad as here ... even the brand new highway they want to toll us for is slipping, not even1 year and the tar is climbing into the gutter.

That's our main highway around Johannesburg.

The rest of the roads are falling apart too. Go have a nice long ride and enjoy a government that delivers ok?


Lmao......learn your politics m8 before ranting....
Delivers???,yea of course it does....delivers fuel prices that are the highest in Europe,delivers riding laws that as if ar'nt bad enough over the years reducing us gradually from tests in line with car test to CBT,then 33bhp limit,now aiming at 125cc restriction for 2 yrs(from January 2013)......yet still if some kids wealthy enough to pay he can sit his simple hazard perception/written and practical and jump into his daddys 400bhp Lamborghini
Do your homework before posting m8 and i think you'll find UK bikers have had it quite tough since the 1980's;)
Roads are good in Wales come and try them!

What does me is the Shell safe or whatever the orange gravel they put as non slip on bends is called

Like riding on marbles when it is new with loose gravel and then deteriates quickly to ruts as it wears off but...... recently the contractors have been installing it AROUND the bend rather than across it so that you are leant over on the bend and negotiating tram lines where the tracks of the system are overlaid at the joins- had a rant at my highways department and got the usual polite reply of one finger... and I work for them!
Roads are good in Wales come and try them!

What does me is the Shell safe or whatever the orange gravel they put as non slip on bends is called

Like riding on marbles when it is new with loose gravel and then deteriates quickly to ruts as it wears off but...... recently the contractors have been installing it AROUND the bend rather than across it so that you are leant over on the bend and negotiating tram lines where the tracks of the system are overlaid at the joins- had a rant at my highways department and got the usual polite reply of one finger... and I work for them!
Totally agree m8 as ive ridden in Wales(a bike not the sheep)and had a terrific few days
Foxbass....I totally pity you as also ive experienced London and **** myself....and i was merely crossing the road from Kings Cross station to burgerking,on foot!....I admire the bike couriers who brave London,either the wages for it are good or there all bonkers
I've had two bad offs due to heaped gravel on the roads. 100m from my house is a huuuuuge pile of gravel just slightly to the left of the turn in of a T junct from where they resurfaced the road well over a year ago. When you See a road sweeper send em my way!
Funny this is mentioned, I've seen some real bad roads recently, broken up asphalt and how do they mend it? Unevenly if at all. Whenever I go over it the front end seems to feel it a lot. Tyres might need pumping up again though.
anyone who thinks road tax is for road upkeep are nieve to so the least,have you seen the finantial state of this country in particular the national dept,blame the job swervers,dole wallors,france for allowing imigrants past there borders onto uk shores,this country is busting at the seems with people who dont contribute,this means i and many others are penalised for working,iam now going to have to work until iam 67,and claim a crap basic pension cos iam poor now and struggle to add to a crap private scheme,if i was unemployed i reckon i would be better of,at least i wouldnt have had to pay the £4000 on a new roof for my house i struggle to pay the mortgage on
Rant over sorry,come and play in lincolnshire theres some great roads,fast/flowing and in reasonable condition
We are now nearly into July and it seems a lot of roads have not been repaired following the winter period.
Even down here on the South Coast there's some pretty awful roads, but fortunately I only ride for pleasure these days.
There's only just over 5,000 miles on my 2006 model and the head bearings really need replacing. Mind you the previous owner did use it to commute in London.