Squid etiquette


The Pillaging Tatar
Elite Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Greenwich, CT
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So this morning i'm parking my bike and this guy pulls up and parks his R1 right next to my FZ6. Not a single piece of protective gear on the guy, nor is there a single sign of acknowledgment of a fellow motorcyclist - he just walks away.

Do you think my expectation of acknowledgment (even if just a nod) is unjustified? And I'll be the first one to say that i'm not a big fan of small talk when i'm trying to get on my way, but I always at least nod.

... I suppose I should have mentioned the birds that sit on the catenary bridge right above the parking spot, and do nothing but $%^$ on the motorcycles all day, but i didn't. I guess i'm just a bad person like that! :BLAA:
Hell...I acknowledge everybody. Even Harley's! Pretty rare not to get a wave or a "hey" back. Bike riders are a fraternity (sorry ladies, but you know I include you all in this) even if we don't have a way cool secret handshake. Wait...Do we?? :eek:
So this morning i'm parking my bike and this guy pulls up and parks his R1 right next to my FZ6. Not a single piece of protective gear on the guy, nor is there a single sign of acknowledgment of a fellow motorcyclist - he just walks away.

Do you think my expectation of acknowledgment (even if just a nod) is unjustified? And I'll be the first one to say that i'm not a big fan of small talk when i'm trying to get on my way, but I always at least nod.

... I suppose I should have mentioned the birds that sit on the catenary bridge right above the parking spot, and do nothing but $%^$ on the motorcycles all day, but i didn't. I guess i'm just a bad person like that! :BLAA:

Times have changed i'm afraid.when i started out biking everyone waved or flashed their headlight.Now most just go past you without a second look. Although im glad to see its not all bikers..:rolleyes:
+1 for the good old days, you don't have to get into a conversation (but it would be nice) a nod would do, The bloke was dressed like a Knob and he proved it by his actions.
Here, have a nod and wave from me! :rockon:
Hell...I acknowledge everybody. Even Harley's! Pretty rare not to get a wave or a "hey" back. Bike riders are a fraternity (sorry ladies, but you know I include you all in this) even if we don't have a way cool secret handshake. Wait...Do we?? :eek:

We DO have a handshake.....but we will only discuss it at our meeting this weekend, (remember?). Oh what the heck? Remember? It's like pulling in the clutch while hitting the horn button.....or was that throwing up the bright beam....or was that the dairy farmer's handshake.....never mind. Safe riding!
We DO have a handshake.....but we will only discuss it at our meeting this weekend, (remember?). Oh what the heck? Remember? It's like pulling in the clutch while hitting the horn button.....or was that throwing up the bright beam....or was that the dairy farmer's handshake.....never mind. Safe riding!

It's all coming back to me now! It's a fist bump, pinky hook, waggle. Right? Or wait...was that my fraternity shake of TKC (Tappa Kegga Coors)? In any case.... I speak from experience. NO good can come from a secret handshake that leads to having to answer the job application category under "college experience" as "some". Damn.
Most of the sport riders around give a nod/wave something, harleys in general give me the finger ... maybe it is me.
nor is there a single sign of acknowledgment of a fellow motorcyclist

he's obvously not a motorcyclist...just some douch who thinks he's cool riding a sport bike.

On the waving issue, I'll only wave back if the other rider has on gear other than just a helmet. I dunno why, but that's what I do....so with that being said, I rarely wave back
I'm with sixsix, I don't wave/nod at douchebags, he's not a rider, he just thinks he's cool, and wants to die young.
I wave at all the bikes pass, i even waved at a scooter once. I could care less about the riders aplearal choices, possibly they would rather die than ruin there apearance from road rash. My freinds and I made a pact sort of like that in Iraq but it involved loosing our male parts.
Way I look at, someone has to die to keep all the stats the way they are. If someone else wants to take risks then that makes it all the safer for me!

As far as waving, I would just assume his dog has died and he isn't really in the mood.
I know what you are saying about not waving to riders who don't wear gear. That ellimates most of the cruiser crowd, HD's, and most sportbike riders in the summer. I went through most of the hot summer wearing all my gear and getting asked if I was hot, like DUH, genius. Needless to say, I didn't do a whole lot of waving for the past few months either
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Ah screw 'em. I get so tired of douche bags that think they're all that only to find they aren't and it's the facade that they find important. There are so many of these type of people in the world that I end up just ignoring them knowing that Karma will catch up with them.

I always try to be nice -- this world could use a bit of kindness in all areas and I'm just trying to contribute to it.

Many riders are just owners that talk about their bikes to their friends about how big the motor is, how fast they've ridden, etc. You look at their lack of gear and chicken strips (several inches wide with worn center tire) and it tells you a lot. Either way, they are what they are.

Good to know there are also good riding enthusiasts out there that wave or nod to others.

I almost always wave at everyone if I can......well except for scooters....I like scooters......they're fun for sure but some how I don't feel like they deserve my respect.

Why don't they get a real motorcycle?

Shoot.........some of them can go 80mph....and they are facing the same dangers that we do.

I think I just had an epiphany.

I will wave at every one, Harley, scooter, squid, full gear, no gear, gay, straight, male, female, LEO, homeless.....everyone.

I gonna ride with no hands and just wave wave wave......all in first gear.

Maybe I will just walk and wave to everyone.

Who started this thread?.....I have no idea who I am going to exclude now.
I nod to anyone in gear on a scooter, and all other bikes. I've had some funny looks when sparks are shooting off the undercarriage and the rear tire's squirming like a slug in a salt shaker:eek:, and I give the nod:D...lol.

As for parking next to someone..... At least a nod and a wink. Also more than likely a comment on the state of the weather. For example, if it's raining, they get the hands held out in front palm up, the eyes rolled to the sky:rolleyes:, with a shaken head, and a wry smile. Any other time they get the, "Lovely day for it", or similar.:thumbup:
I have noticed the same thing with the guys on the race replicas. Generally they ignore us standard motorcycle guys until we pass them up easily in the twisties. :rockon:

Then they want to see what we are riding, once they find out its very fun to watch thier ego burst.:thumbup:

Much better to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow.
I wave at all, scooters, HDs, cruisers, you name it. Some do not wave back but that's ok (mostly from cruiser/HD types), I've done my part, passed on the respect and if they don't acknowledge, oh well.

It really bothers me when I miss someone because my attention was directed at a possible hazard. I feel like I just dissed a family member. Oh the shame.
I give everyone a wave, minus the scooters. For the most part, everyone waves back, including the cruisers. If I only waved to people with proper gear, I would never wave to anyone in my town. I rarely see anyone with even a helmet around here.