SoCal Veterans Day Ride Nov 11?

Thanks Jen! Always nice to put a name with a face :cheer:
Some of those faces I knew....but you've added at least 3 or 4? new Hoons!

I hope they all join us on more rides. What can I say except we Hoons know how to show folks a good time! And maybe because they're all military, we had consistent spacing in the corners and fell into staggered formation on the straights. It was fun to see and be part of such a great group. Totally calmed my OCD need for things to be in proper order!
I hope they all join us on more rides. What can I say except we Hoons know how to show folks a good time! And maybe because they're all military, we had consistent spacing in the corners and fell into staggered formation on the straights. It was fun to see and be part of such a great group. Totally calmed my OCD need for things to be in proper order!

I hope they do too, running sweep it was quite a site to see everyone go to staggered formation in the straights and run single file with nice spacing in the corners, great bunch to ride with.
On a side note, DO NOT order the meat loaf from Golden Acorn, was tasty but at 3 in the morning I spent more time on the throne than in bed:eek: and still have a bit of a queasy stomach this evening.:(

Another little video...

[ame=]Kwaaymii Place - YouTube[/ame]
Another little video...

Sorta like when you slap a teammates @ss on the field. I still remember Motogiro bumping me at a stoplight on one of our first rides! It looks far more violent on film! Honest, it was just a little love tap. Love you M!!!!
Some more video from the ride.

Some of the video is shakey and I'm learning some new video software.
[ame=]Veterans Day Ride 11 11 13 - YouTube[/ame]