SoCal riders 8-23-08 Big Bear

:rof: that's too funny!!! I was impressed with the Buell, it had more giddy up then I expected :thumbup:
Good ride, good peeps, good scenery and traffic wasn't too bad. Lunch at a gas station in the middle of a desert? Not good. Other than that, you guys were looking pretty good in my rear view time I'll slow down you you can see me rolling ;)
Good meeting up with y'all again. Sorry guys (Vegas most) if I was bit too slow at the and you had little room to pass; I was too preoccupied trying to focus on the road in the twisities. Next time, I'll fall back so you can speed away. Anyway, looking toward next ride. The more I do it the faster and confident in the twisites I'll become. Afterall my M4s sound so much better when you're behind my tail. :D

The friggin bee flew in to me on that desert straight away before the gas station. Half the bee (including the stinger) got nicely stuck in my neck. My throat even felt the stinger. I pulled that sucker out at the gas station and was glad I saw the stinger finally came out.
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Good ride, good peeps, good scenery and traffic wasn't too bad. Lunch at a gas station in the middle of a desert? Not good.

Lunch for most of the group, but it was dinner by the time you got there.. Of course, Wavex and I didn't eat there, so you might have a point, we had a miserable meal at a crummy little cafe in the forest, a couple of cold Sierra Nevadas and a great conversation.

..Other than that, you guys were looking pretty good in my rear view time I'll slow down you you can see me rolling ;)

Umm...ok. I wouldn't know about that as I was either looking at clear road in front of me or was waiting in the shade for SOME of the group to catch up. Maybe you thought those BICYCLE riders were part of our group.

I guess I'll just stick with riding with others ↓↓ down ↓↓ at my skill level, I don't want to hold you up.
Last edited: guys were looking pretty good in my rear view time I'll slow down you you can see me rolling
:rof::rof: I was wondering how much extra you had to pay to put a ex250 motor in that ZX14 frame???
Good ride, good peeps, good scenery and traffic wasn't too bad. Lunch at a gas station in the middle of a desert? Not good. Other than that, you guys were looking pretty good in my rear view time I'll slow down you you can see me rolling ;)

LOL you were pretty fast on the straights, But everytime we came to a corner I lost you in my mirrors.:Flip: J/K
Apparently not as much as the R1 though, I swear I thought you were going to rear-end David on that straight away.:spank:
no worries, there was plenty of road and the R1 has awesome brakes :D
Good meeting up with y'all again. Sorry guys (Vegas most) if I was bit too slow at the and you had little room to pass; I was too preoccupied trying to focus on the road in the twisities. Next time, I'll fall back so you can speed away.

No need to apologize as you have the right of way. I thought I still had enough time to pass you when the others passed, but being the last one to pass, as soon as I passed I saw that the upcoming curve came up way too quick at my speed and it got a bit dicey. Had to lock up my rear and front tires just before entering the turn, then I was riding that yellow line though the turn, then avoiding an oncoming car of all things. Passing through duing the twisties as a group, the degree of difficulty in passing increases as you become the rider further down the line or the last one. Hand signals are useless for the riders up front as you have no time to indicate the riders behind you because the riding is so aggresive at that speed during the twisties and you are just focusing on the turns yourself.

Then another time, I noticed a good size rock in the middle of my turn, and coudn't decide to go inside or outside of the rock. Going inside of the rock would have been tough by making me tightening up during the turn, going outside would have resulted in crossing the yellow line. What do I do, I end up hitting the rock anyway with my front tire and it made the front end hop up and I end up going over the yellow line anyway.

Have to admit, the ride this time around was not my best Chris, I did notice that you were riding more agressive this time around. Looks like you picked up the pace from the last ride. Definately the time spent with the group is helping. Tough to go out and learn on your own. Always glad to see riders like yourself who are willing to spend the time and improve. That's why I always make a strong effort to join you guys, as I am always trying to improve myself.
Good meeting up with y'all again. Sorry guys (Vegas most) if I was bit too slow at the and you had little room to pass; I was too preoccupied trying to focus on the road in the twisities. Next time, I'll fall back so you can speed away. Anyway, looking toward next ride. The more I do it the faster and confident in the twisites I'll become. Afterall my M4s sound so much better when you're behind my tail. :D

The friggin bee flew in to me on that desert straight away before the gas station. Half the bee (including the stinger) got nicely stuck in my neck. My throat even felt the stinger. I pulled that sucker out at the gas station and was glad I saw the stinger finally came out.

Don't apologize. I'm sure they would rather wait for you than an ambulance.


So... when is the next meetup?
Good ride, good peeps, good scenery and traffic wasn't too bad. Lunch at a gas station in the middle of a desert? Not good. Other than that, you guys were looking pretty good in my rear view time I'll slow down you you can see me rolling ;)

Um... yeah, pretty sure the only time I saw the back of your bike was when we had all stopped to wait for you to catch up.:rolleyes:

As for Nimzo, definitely looks like you've learned some since our last ride with you. While you may think you aren't keeping a good pace, it was certainly faster than you were before. You obviously have been practicing and are learning from these rides.:thumbup:
obviously some of you cant take a joke. well besides the break in period (i had 100 miles on the clock at start), i was slipping hard on the way to the meet spot. i wasn't going to lean hard and i was far from pushing my bike.
i'm glad i was able to make your e-peeners feel good here since none of you said a word to my face while there. I pulled over a few times to check on riders who went down or were on teh side of the road...but hey, whatever floats your boats. if you guys want to race, send me a pm. i was just cruising the whole way, especially since i dont pass bikes on twists.
obviously some of you cant take a joke. well besides the break in period (i had 100 miles on the clock at start), i was slipping hard on the way to the meet spot. i wasn't going to lean hard and i was far from pushing my bike.
i'm glad i was able to make your e-peeners feel good here since none of you said a word to my face while there. I pulled over a few times to check on riders who went down or were on teh side of the road...but hey, whatever floats your boats. if you guys want to race, send me a pm. i was just cruising the whole way, especially since i dont pass bikes on twists.
were just messing with you, no one expected you to push a brand new bike with tires that weren't scrubbed in yet. :noworries:
Looks like "someone" can dish it out, but can't take it. :shakehead:
obviously some of you cant take a joke....

Hold on there can't have it both ways. You take a dig at all of us for our slow pace and nobody can respond in a similar fashion? As far as saying anything to your face, what is there to say? You are riding at your comfort level, which is the correct action and I won't criticize you for that. Everyone else rode at their comfort level, which happens to be much faster than yours.

Hell, I tried to be social to you by asking about your new ride, etc. even though I don't agree with about 95% of what you post here and in other forums. In person you seemed to be just one of the guys, but online you come across a bit arrogant.