So what's your favorite beer?

Ah, a question i can really relate too.
Being an avid homebrewer, I tend to drink a lot of my own recipes. Currently I have a damn good oatmeal stout that I'm extremely proud of and a fair/average hefeweizen that needs a bit more tweaking before I start passing out sampler packs.

A few commercial products that I really enjoy:
Milk Stout by Left Hand Brewing (Colorado)
Two Hearted Ale by Bells Brewing (Michigan)
Arrogant Bastard or Dead Guy Ale by Rogue Brewing (Oregon I think)

can I come over? ;)
It's a tossup between Coke and Gatorade. I made a concession, since my bike is my only mode of transport besides taking the bus, limo, helicopter, etc. I elected not to drink as long as I have my bike. Now not drinking in this town is tough to do, being 24/7, and it's free! Anyway, it's been about 7 months.
It's a tossup between Coke and Gatorade. I made a concession, since my bike is my only mode of transport besides taking the bus, limo, helicopter, etc. I elected not to drink as long as I have my bike. Now not drinking in this town is tough to do, being 24/7, and it's free! Anyway, it's been about 7 months.
That's impressive VR, if I had to make that choice I might not have the bike anymore! :(
Right now I'm enjoying a glass of Aussie Shiraz, but that's a whole 'nuther thread, isn't it? :thumbup:

Tonight after work I took Hwy 89 up thru North Ogden, the north Ogden canyon, and back on Washington Blvd. The weather was perfect, setting sun was gorgeous, and most of the trees still have their fall color, if just a bit faded. Tomorrow morning I fly out to Connecticut for an LAT test, and have Reserves when I get back, so won't get to ride again until Monday or so; glad tonight was so perfect. :thumbup:
Motorcycles and beer, two favorite subjects.

1. Old Peculier
2. Breckenridge Avalanche
3. Sam Adams Boston Lager

#1 is from Yorkshire and at $10 a sixpack, not an every day choice.

I'm surprised you can get Old Peculier in the US. I didn't think you guys in the US liked British beer, particularly bitter. And, of course, it has to be served warm ;)
I'm surprised you can get Old Peculier in the US. I didn't think you guys in the US liked British beer, particularly bitter. And, of course, it has to be served warm ;)

Yeah, I've been in love with English ales since visiting there in '91. Never had a bad one. I haven't found Old Peculier on tap here in the US, but I can buy it bottled at lots of liquor stores, even out here in the sticks. I do like it at about 55-60 F which is "warm" only compared to the 35 F most US beers are served at :)
