Small air compressor?

You like yours? I have a 3 gallon I got as a gift, and I was a bit disappointed as I can't even fill all 4 tires on a vehicle without recharging the thing if they are any more than a pound or two low each. Pretty good for the bike, but it'd probably be just as handy to use a tankless compressor by the time I wait on it to fill.

I liked mine, seemed it would fill tires quite well. I just used it to much around the shop and wore it out.

Here's the one from Sears, like I said its like a Timex, takes a licking and keeps on ticking:D:D
It also depends on what you want to spend and how truly portable you need it to be. Also how many amps in the circuit your going to use, this may be the limiting factor as to which compressor you end up with.

Link to Sears

Hey Jblk9695: where should we send the check---to your home address, or would prefer the store credit again? Thanks! ----The Craftsman Tool Company
I want to be able to change my own tires as well, so I'll need something a little more substantial. ;)

Yeah, a manual pump may be a bit of work to change tires. :D

I'd definitely recommend skipping any of the cordless or tankless compressors for changing tires. It's a lot easier to seat the bead with a compressor that can fill the tire quickly. It can be done with the smaller compressors, but it's less work with a big one. My recommendation is get a cheap manual pump for the routine topping off and then get a compressor with a decent sized tank for the big jobs.