
When you signal, your general intent to the driver in that lane is:

  • I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments.

    Votes: 80 37.2%
  • I'd like to come in your lane. I'll give you a couple seconds to think about it.

    Votes: 110 51.2%
  • Please sir/madam, I'd like to join you in your lane. Would you be a dear and let me in?

    Votes: 19 8.8%
  • Signal? WTF is that?

    Votes: 6 2.8%

  • Total voters
if i wud like to go fr signaling keeping in mind all four then ???
which one to choose?? :BLAA:

I drove 4 friends to a basketball game yesterday. A couple who had never driven with me before watched with interest as I weaved through a busy city. One said "when you signal, you're not really asking to go in, you just go". That got me thinking. I grew up in Brooklyn and it was basically "he who hesitates is lost". My style on the bike is pretty much the same. What's your style?

When I signal, the general intention to the driver's in that lane is:

1) I'm not asking permission. I'm coming in. Make the necessary adjustments.

2) I'd like to come in your lane. I'll give you a couple seconds to decide if you're going to shut me out, and if it still looks clear I'll come in.

3) Please sir/madam, I'd like to join you in your lane, which looks delightful by the way. Would it be a big imposition to let me in? If not, could I further trouble you to slow down a tad so I know it's OK to come in? Thank you so much. You're a dear.

4) Signal? WTF is that?
Most of the time I ride/drive like I'm king of the road, Get out of my way or get run off the road. My signalling is merely a courtesy saying hey, I'm coming over and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm an aggressive driver to say the least
I didn't vote because none of the answers really fit for me. I signal and merge the same on my bike as in my car. First, I find an open spot, then I signal and merge. I'm not asking for permission as I've already found a spot and nobody needs to make adjustments for the same reason.

I voted 'make necessary adjustments' but this is more accurate. By the time I've signaled, I've already done the math. It's merely done as a courtesy, to abide by the law, to set a good and safe example, and for that 1 out of 1,000 lane changes where I did the math wrong. Nobody wants to be a statistic for doing something stupid like dividing by zero. :)
Any time I am turning onto or off of where the flow of traffic is, I signal. Come up to a stop sign or stop light, I signal. Same as turning off of a main travel road onto a secondary road, I absolutely will signal.

But changing lanes around town and on the highway I never signal. Drivers arent looking or don't care, and it's not on long enough to mean anything.
When switching lanes, my process is this...

I check my mirrors.

I then turn my head and look in the direction I plan on moving.

While looking in that direction and If possible, I try to make eye contact with the person behind me in the lane I want to move to .

After that I look back forward, put my signal on and also point to where I am going.

I then move into the lane deliberately and turn off my signal.

I don't ask for permission. I take my right of way. I try to do it as safely as I can. But in AZ, the slow and/or meek end up going splat. And I aint down for none of that. So I try to command respect and get things done as quickly as possible. I practice the whole do unto others as you would like them to do unto you thing. I get out of the way and get 'er done as quick as I can. And I expect you to do the same for me. 'Nuff said.

When switching lanes, my process is this...

I check my mirrors.

I then turn my head and look in the direction I plan on moving.

While looking in that direction and If possible, I try to make eye contact with the person behind me in the lane I want to move to .

After that I look back forward, put my signal on and also point to where I am going.

I then move into the lane deliberately and turn off my signal.

I don't ask for permission. I take my right of way. I try to do it as safely as I can. But in AZ, the slow and/or meek end up going splat. And I aint down for none of that. So I try to command respect and get things done as quickly as possible. I practice the whole do unto others as you would like them to do unto you thing. I get out of the way and get 'er done as quick as I can. And I expect you to do the same for me. 'Nuff said.


^ Seconded. In my view, it's good to be conscientious, but clear & assertive. People aren't always looking for you. :cool:

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The following statement is not directed at anyone here, it's my attitude on the road on my bike or in my car.

"This is my road and I expect you to bow to me. I know some of you have other ideas so I have to keep on my toes to be sure none of you do anything stupid"

I am hyper alert while driving near other cars and S.E.E. a good 15sec ahead and 10sec behind me counting cars and watching their driving style to see if one is gonna give me trouble. If I see anything troubling, I put as much distance between it and me as quick as I can!
................... watching their driving style to see if one is gonna give me trouble. If I see anything troubling, I put as much distance between it and me as quick as I can!

Yeah same same, if it means a quick blast to get ahead or as is sometimes the case I have pulled over to let some git past and then waited til there is a bucket load of traffic between him/her and me.

My deal is to be confident with my intentions and let others know, as soon as its practical, what they are. I tend not to be impulsive unless its and emergency
I was riding home yesterday and had a monte on my butt constantly on a two lane hwy. so at the best opportunity I downshifted and throttled past 4-5 vehicles to stop that issue. Then once I got in city traffic I kept the bike at about 7-8k to make sure I could be heard. I pretty much agree with the "this is my road so bow to me" statement. But I always use my signals. That is a huge pet peeve of mine. Amongst many lol
That's the one thing that worries me when I finally get out there, I live in a town full of idiots and 145 year old people. This is what it looks like here

[ame=]Family Guy Asian Driver - YouTube[/ame]
I always make sure there is open space, and that I accelerate to avoid being hit by any uncoming car in that lane.

I always use my turn signal, but I don't wait.

My mom uses the signal and wait method, and everytime I've been with her and that happens, atleast 3 cars in the other lane speed up and close the gap so we can't get over.

I've learned to always be one step ahead of everyone else on the road because they can't be trusted.

Also kind of stupid but if I see someone driving wrecklessly(speeding, swerving in and out of lanes without signaling and cutting people off), I'll anticipate their moves and then switch into the same lane they are but I'll use my signal, and they are forced to slow down. I've gone 5 miles out of my way just to punk someone. I don't break a single law when I do this.

You're from Napa, you can only do right turns. Right? Such a crazy design to that downtown area. My inlaws live there, and my mother-in-law only does right turns. so that's 3 right turns to make a left turn. So much fun. That's right fellas. My mother-in-law drives. My father-in-law has been pushed into the passenger seat. Get use to the idea. You'll be there someday. lol