Show boating for pedestrians

If you don't believe this just ask that idiot in Tennessee that killed those folks with his burnout stunt at the parade fund raiser last year. Millions of dollars in insurance isn't going to help that guy and the law suits associated with the incident are huge. Is a lifetime of heartache and financial grief worth one mistake???

What stunt was that? I think I missed it?
I think the word squid comes from Europe or UK? Meaning a someone who rides in a dangerous or uncontroled fashion.

Over here we call 'em fecking morons. I'm not impressed by bike stunts. It's like waving the barrel of a loaded gun at a crowd and telling not to worry because your finger's not on the trigger.

I'm guilty as sin. I don't really show off much anymore, if I was good at wheelies I probably would get more miles out of my front tire. and like a lot of riders I'm old enough to know better but still to young to care. I do limit myself in some ways though, I was going to trade the FZ6 in and get an FZ1 but reality creeped in and I realized I'm WAY to immature for a liter bike!!!:D
I am 57 years old. I don't do any wheelies myself and I don't think anybody should do them on the public streets. I used to do them in the dirt all the time. With that said, I sure like to see one every now and then. If someone is going to do it, I want to see it. I don't want to see anyone get hurt, but I like looking at train wrecks. I'll admit it's one of my sick habits.

When I was a teenager in the mid 1960s I was leaving church and two guys rode by on a Yamaha Big Bear twin scrambler. The rider did a wheelie in front of the church, I don't really think it was planned but rather a side effect of his rapid acceleration and the weight of the passenger. However, he pulled it off well.

At that time I knew nothing about motorcycles. Until I saw that stunt I had never seen any vehicle do a wheelie except on television. My cousin who was my age too, saw the stunt and both of our jaws hit the ground. We looked at each other and grinned. I thought it was so cool that I immediately wanted a Big Bear Yamaha. I never got one, and I still want one. Partly because of this stunt my first bike was a Yamaha and I have owned Yamahas since 1971.

To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, "So you have to ask yourself these questions":

Was the stunt irresponsible and dangerous? Yes. Was the passenger on the Big Bear scared by the stunt? Probably yes. Did my cousin and I think it was cool? Yes. Did it sell motorcycles? Yes. Will I remember it forever? Yes.

Do you feel lucky today? Well, do you, punk?....
I think that wheelies are cool to watch, but they have to be in a controlled environment, such as a stunt competition. One of the main reason that I don't want to do wheelies is that if something goes wrong and I crash, that means I have to spend money repairing my bike, and I would rather use that money to do cool mods, or buy gas so I can ride.
Wheelies on the street are not such a great idea...and I can say that as a 23-year old. I've pulled wheelies in closed parking lots just to see what it is like (stoppies too) but I won't do that on the road.

On the dirt, however, is a totally different story. We used to have competitions for the longest wheelie...and then give a prize to the guy who flipped it with the best style!:Im With Stupid: Fortunately on the dirt...those kinds of wrecks are no big deal.
i will start by sharing my story i was walking home today at about 5:50 i come up to a four way intersection were a yellow and black YZF-R6S turns in my direction i give him my nod of approval and he promptly pops it into a nice long wheelie for me about 1 1/2 ft off the ground for about 60 ft good stuff nice and clean. now if you've ever witnessed this kind of thing or done it please share your story :Sport:
back on topic: I once did a long rolling burnout unintentionally, I had a Katana 600 and was leaving my Dads house, as I was turning onto the main street I saw my younger brothers watching me so I intended to cluch up the front but got way to heavy on the throttle with cold tires that had long since exceeded there lifespan. instead of pulling a wheelie, the rear came unhooked and started to spin. I just stayed on it and rode out 1st and hit second gear before it hooked up again. when I got home there was a message on my answering machine from my brothers telling me that was the coolest thing they've ever seen.
Never have liked seeing someone show off. Wheelies for people is showing off. When I see someone do one I think about someone spinning the cylider on a gun playing roulette. Heres one and he dont look cool afterwards. [ame=""]YouTube - Wheelie Crash[/ame]
I didn't see it mentioned in the thread except in the wikipedia link....

When I first heard the term "squid" it was referring to the how squids have hard beak and and squishy and vulnerable dangling bits. (The hard beak is the fancy full-face helmet and the dangly bits are the t-shirt and shorts-clad arms+legs). So anybody who rides a bike without adequate protection gets that name, (usually sportbike riders). Even with adequate protection, doing reckless and dangerous stunts also earns that title.
James.... I like most of what you say. I would say one thing though... be careful about stereotyping regarding age. If you live a while you will be a 50 year old who likes wheelies.

One of the highlights I had last month was test riding a Ducati Multi Strada. I was coming into 2nd gear and viola the front end came up ... I feathered the throttle a bit and rode it down after a bit.... wow...what a rush.

i am 50 yrs old chronologically....

I would wheelie the FZ6 if i could.... (may need to go back and search your posts on the HOW TO")

When I ride off road (mountain bike) I love catching air ......when I ski I am one of the old timers in the terrain park and looking to huck off small drops

heck two years ago in banff I hucked a 15 footer (whoosh -- glad for the powder landing)

so hang in there james and maybe you to will be a crazy old guy

I will end this with a quote I like on aging

"Aging is inevitable --maturity is a choice ---there is no future in growing up"
