Seat Options


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Jul 12, 2008
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Anyone know of seat MFG's of seats for our bikes? Stock seat on this thing is brutal.......:surrender:
My understanding is that both Corbin and Bagster make seats for the FZ...I am trying to decide between the two for my own bike.

Google Corbin or Bagster

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I have a Yamaha comfort gel seat which is better than stock but not as good as the other aftermarket seats (based on others reviews - it's the only one besides stock that I've tried personally). When I got it it was a cheap eBay purchase so worth it to me but at list price I wouldn't have done it.
A number of people here and on the "other" forum have the TS seat. It looks great, but with today's Euro exchange rate it is over $400 for the seat. The comfort seat supposedly is decent and is by far thye cheapest (can buy one new under $200). I am in the process of ordering a lower seat from Germany. Darn exchange rate!
I like my Corbin as a rider, my wife isn't happy with it as a pillion. The corbin is wider, flatter and gives you better support. The leather I choose is too slick but getting better with use. The pillion seat angles down too much and is too slick when braking resulting in helmet bumps and a smack on my back. Ouch! She also finds it to hard. The Rayman sent his back and had Corbin make the front of the pillion seat angle up higher and it solved the problem. His wife is now happy. I need to package mine up and send it back to be reworked.

I selected the carbon fiber leather seat area and the back rest, pebble vinyl for the sides and trim. Next time I would use the regular leather instead or pebble vinyl for the whole thing.

Looks cool however.
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The Rayman sent his back and had Corbin make the front of the pillion seat angle up higher and it solved the problem. His wife is now happy. I need to package mine up and send it back to be reworked.
Looks cool however.

This is what it looks like now. Much better.
Nice Seat :thumbup:

Did you consider getting the FE kit for your Fazer?

I've got a Rizoma with the stock turn signal adapter kit coming from PJ's Parts. I don't have a delivery date as of yet, may take a bit.

From what I understand it comes with three different plate mounts, one for US, one for the UK and another one.
Here's the Deal.
I'm here close to Corbin, Ca.. I originally ordered my seat via the net with instructions to make a little wider in the seat.
I got impatient an went to there shop.
They made it there and then.
I did the sit and feel made adjustments more sit and feel then had it covered.
I drove home an about 2 miles down the road Hated it! I was out of time to turn back and thought I'd give it a chance. The problem was I was sliding Big time forward when braking and also if I hit a bump, would displace about an inch or so forward so was constantly moving back. After a week nothing got better. I called them with my problem and they said come on back and they will work with me to fix.
That I did a few days ago and WOW this seat is NICE.
I was talking to "Julio" one of the owners about Corbin somewhat having a Bad rep for slippery seats on this forum. Sooooo the following may help, should you decide to order or stop in and have one made.
First off I made a Big mistake while there on the first seat.
All said the one thing I didn't do was GO TEST RIDE! There is a big difference. Now because anyone anywhere in the world can order a Corbin - what Corbin does is create an R & D generic seat that closely matches the stock one - this includes a composit Pan (you don't have to send them your old seat). A good portion of the Slide issue is the stock seat actually is sloped forward an that's what you get with their standard seat plus throw in the fact their foam is harder and the leather is "Leather" (note some portions of the seat covering are Vynl - this is by design because of the streching properties of leather when exposed or by use to return it back to original shape).
I solved this sliding issue by having them build a Very Large "Camel Hump" at the front of the seat and dish the butt section a lot more. Since my butt section is actually 2inches wider over all than the R & D; i.e. 12 inches vs mine 14 inches I had them narrow that small area front and sides to allow my legs to touch the ground when stopped without the width of the butt crown get in the way.
Anyway Julio said everyone is different an what may make a tall rider slide forward a Less Tall Rider would not have a problem instead would be complaining there is not enough surface area on their back side .....
We concluded perhaps the best thing for those not able to make it to the Corbin Shop would be to Order the Corbin Seat "Uncovered" with a "Sample" piece of Leather included to simulate --- put it on the bike go ride ---at this time you are either making notes or actually marking the raw foam ie. shave this area, add this area (I'd almost say take the time to mold something if it's an add or sand away to what you want). Then send back to them for covering.
It's time and postage but it's going to be what you want, just for you. That's what a custom seat is right!
Hopefully I can attach the pics.
stevesnj, you could try this guy. From everything I've read, he does great work with a fast turn-around. Page 1

I'm going to post this up since I was told that I should a while back in the hopes that it might help someone make a good decision. This is a PM reply that I sent another member who knew that I'd acquired both a Corbin and Yamaha Comfort seat and he'd written me to find out if I'd decided which one to keep and why.

"Hey, thanks for the note. Actually, I have made a decision. I've decided to keep the Corbin based on a few different factors (which is not to take away at all from the Comfort Seat). I wanted to try both equally to make sure I made the right decision and have done that, I think.

The most important factor for me was getting rid of the "hot spots" that I would feel after about 30 minutes on the stock seat. Both of these seem to do a great job of that. The Corbin is, by touch, much more firm than the Comfort Seat, so I wasn't sure it would do the trick. But, whatever type of foam Corbin uses works wonders. The seat IS firm, but supportive. It also seems to soften the longer you're on it during a ride. That may just be my imagination, but I think it's true. As for the Comfort Seat, it's great too at relieving the "hot spots". The deciding factor here was that the Corbin has much more of a "cup" shape...that is, you seem to sit IN the Corbin and ON the Comfort Seat.

Another thing about both of these seat, as compared to the stock seat...they're both HEAVY. I would say the Comfort Seat weighs twice as much as the stock and the Corbin, maybe three times as much! But, I think the weight of both of them helps to dampen out most vibrations that get translated to your butt from the bike. But you still get good feel for what's going on under you.

Really, the final, and least important factor in my decision was looks. I like how the Comfort Seat looks on the bike, but I LOVE the way the Corbin looks. It's got a sleek style to it. Plus, not that I'll ever do this, but the Corbin offers the option of adding the passenger backrest. Also, and this is pure vanity, but I like the prestige of owning a Corbin and knowing that if I need to have it adjusted (such as having the "nose" enlarged to further keep me from sliding forward while braking), Corbin will do that for a nominal charge.

There are only two downsides that I could find with the Comfort Seat. The first, and this is purely for looks, so not really important, was that you can see the outline of the gel pad that's under the seat cover. It's not so obvious that it's ugly, but it always kinda bugged me for some reason. The other, and this was a slightly bigger problem, but still not something that couldn't be tolerated, was I found that if you parked the bike in the sun on a warm day and came back later, the gel pad REALLY heats up and seems to put that heat back into your butt. One day it was hot enough to be uncomfortable for the first few miles. That was pretty big in the decision-making process.

One more thing. I felt the build-quality of the Corbin was just a bit better for this reason...the Comfort Seat, like the stock seat, uses staples to attach the seat cover on the underside. The Corbin, on the other hand, uses rivets to attach it's seat cover. I just feel like it would last much longer with fewer problems in that area.

Oh, and if you decide to go with a Corbin, I would suggest you get the regular leather on the seating portions. The one I've got, I bought from another member and didn't have the option. I've got the "Carbon Fiber" looking seat, and while it looks great, it IS more slippery than the stock seat or Comfort Seat. Everyone that has the "Carbon Fiber" type seat says this and it's true. It's not BAD, though. I may do what wrightme did and add that stuff that you line cabinets with in black to the seating area. It sounds like that really does the trick.

All-in-all, I would say the Corbin is worth the price. But, instead of buying one new, I would look for someone selling their's or watch Ebay. You can definitely find one cheaper than new if you're patient. I got the deal of the century on mine (which is probably another factor in keeping it). But I don't want to dissuade you from looking at the Comfort Seat, either. Both of them are light years better than the stock, no doubt. Plus, the Comfort Seat can be had new for around $200 on Ebay if you can find it. If money's no option, I would say go with the Corbin. Otherwise, I believe you'd be perfectly happy with the Comfort Seat. I would recommend either of them to anyone.

And a couple of pics...

1st pic: left to right, stock seat - Comfort Seat - Corbin
2nd pic: stock seat on the left, Comfort Seat on the right
3rd pic: Comfort Seat on the left, Corbin on the right