Scottoiler ?


Junior Member
Apr 21, 2010
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western mass.usa
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New here & while sifting through several different posts on different topics,I keep seeing folks add-on list's which often mention "Scottoiler" .What is it & how does it benefit ? Thanks,westmask
A Scottoiler will increase the life of your chain & sprockets as well as increasing time between chain adjustments but by far the best thing is saying goodbye to chain lube in a can.
It's a device that has a chain lube reservoir you stick under the seat or thereabouts, and has a drip-feed tube that is positioned just above your chain. You adjust the amount of oil that drips out, and gives you consistent lubrication.

The downside is that it can be a bit messy if you have too much lube going on, and might take some time to find the optimum installation without looking messy. It's also quite highly priced imo.
I do 350 miles a week commuting to work and wouldn't have anything other than a Scottoiler. I do get a fair bit of mess from it but it's not a big deal because I find it's far easier to wash off than any other lube.
And I see the fling off as a good thing because its taking any grit with it limiting the grinding paste (grit stuck to lube) which can accelerate chain and sprocket wear.
And plus because it's an oil it gets into all the important places which some spray on lubes don't.
I'm on my first chain still at 22k miles and I never need to adjust my chain.
I've got the dual injector which delivers oil to both sides of the rear sprocket. I did have a touring reservoir mounted behind the number plate but later decided I didn't want it as it slightly spoiled the look of the rear. And I don't think it's worth the hassle of fitting it. I'd be quite happy taking a bottle of Scott oil on my next tour and filling up every 400miles.