Sacramento (Gold Rush Ride) Sept 4, 2011 ride


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Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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So far, looks like Driftboat (Bob) and Tailgate (Stacy) and maybe Visions (John) are planning to rendez-vous at the El Dorado Hills Union station (US 50 & El Dorado Hills Blvd) at 8:00 am this Sunday, 9/4/2011. From there, one possibility is that we could head south on either Latrobe Rd or 49 (out of Placerville) to Fiddletown Rd, then on to 88 and, perhaps, stop at Cooks Station on 88 for a pit stop. Chime in if you are interested. This is in the making still.

Map 1 El Dorado Hills, CA to Rescue, CA - Google Maps

Bob---do you have ideas?
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This might be a start of something nice Stacy...planning group rides. Although I won't be able to make this one, hopefully the next one. I don't mind riding it to get to the meet up place even if I have to get up earlier & if I'm free...Hey, if the company is great, nothing is too far, right? Have fun & be safe. I haven't been there to Fiddletown, but heard some nice sceneries & roads around there.
That sounds like the plan anyone is welcome , start off early to beat the heat , talk about the ride at Cooks gas station over some Breakfast , go at your own pace and no one left behind , post up if your interested.
Well - it looks like I missed this ride as I saw the post too late. If another one develops PM me.....:rant:
Will do next time ebk02! Sorry we missed you.

Now, we in NorCal are getting a little sick (actually, I'm just joking) of SoCal hoons constantly posting up about rides so we decided to do something about it! Up here in NorCal we have ride/routes just as beautiful as anywhere.

Below are a few photos. Cook's station on CA 88 was a great, character-filled mountain stop cafe where we had breakfast. There happened to be a cherry '57 Chevy parked (sorry, forgot to take photo), and some bizarre 600 cc twin dual purpose bike with big, fat road tires in the small parking lot in front. I thought we had gone back to the 50's for a moment. We ended up looping up all the way to the Lake Tahoe basin by heading up over the Carson Pass, connecting with CA 89 and then connecting with US 50 to head back to the Sacramento Valley. The weather was absolutely perfect.

Driftboat (Bob on the left), myself, and Visions (John). We stopped at a view point. John (thanks!) recruited the guy from Jackson, CA to take the shot. That's Bear Lake in the background.


Can't forget to include our machines!


Here are Driftboat and Visions again. Bob (don't let the tennies mislead you) is no stranger to sport riding, also rides a 'Busa and previously had a FZ1. Visions recounted during our breakfast his experience having ridden with the Sacramento area "Crotch Rockets" (lol).

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Don't know if I'll make it up there this year but I have a camping trip and ride in my future up there!
Thanks for the ride report and pictures!
Don't know if I'll make it up there this year but I have a camping trip and ride in my future up there!
Thanks for the ride report and pictures!

Hey Cliff my Anza Borrego buddy, you get up here and I can find some room for you.

I was already committed to another ride or I would have joined these guys.

Thanks for the pics Stacey
Stacey , John had a great time and couldnt ask for better weather , and guilty on the sneakers and no Jacket , thanks for ride , keep me in mind for the next one , maybe we can get some southern Cal guys up for a ride . :rockon:
this could be an every weekend thing dudes! i know im out in the twisties at least once a week, im sure y'all are too lets get together :Flash:

thanks again

Just saw this Monday (but I was out of town the weekend, slabbed I-80 to Reno). Things are tightening up for me so I doubt that I'll be good for anything for quite awhile.
No worries, happens every weekend with SCR... was just trying to add some FZ guys to the mix. Heres the pics


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