SA Road Racing Championships - Rd3

Hmmm....missed the article in the paper! Which day?

As for Sunday.....that's fantastic news that you can come Mr Lurker!

At this point i was thinking that if mike comes to my joint, then we come to your joint, then we all ride to Matt's's a pretty straight run through for all of us, then on to Mallala.

I reckon if Mikes ok nwith it, will leave my joint at 9.30am, then onto yours by about 9.45am....all good?

You don't couldn't mean in a straight line?:eek: On a brand new I can feel it squaring off

I will if I have to but.....well....there's the hills. It's quicker going that way anyhow....shorter:liar:...Nah Really:innocent:

What's up with the council? If ever you needed proof that local government doesn't give a hoot about bikes, have a look at how straight the roads are:eek::D
You don't couldn't mean in a straight line?:eek: On a brand new I can feel it squaring off

I will if I have to but.....well....there's the hills. It's quicker going that way anyhow....shorter:liar:...Nah Really:innocent:

What's up with the council? If ever you needed proof that local government doesn't give a hoot about bikes, have a look at how straight the roads are

Mate.....i dont care if we ride via Cape Horn, we are NOT taking the stright route...2 reasons, road works to make that road even straighter!!!!! and because i am allergic to straight roads...will still be taking it easy though.

Mate.....i dont care if we ride via Cape Horn, we are NOT taking the stright route...2 reasons, road works to make that road even straighter!!!!! and because i am allergic to straight roads...will still be taking it easy though.



Easy's my middle name. Maybe we should avoid the Cudlee Creek
I have real trouble taking it easy on that road.


Easy's my middle name. Maybe we should avoid the Cudlee Creek
I have real trouble taking it easy on that road.


yeah and the cops took a shining too me on that road toooo.....bugger it, we should ride it anyway, it's too good to leave out!
yeah and the cops took a shining too me on that road toooo.....bugger it, we should ride it anyway, it's too good to leave out!

See. The Cudlee Creek council is looking after course they need to communicate with the fun stoppers about it:spank: but it's a step in the right
See. The Cudlee Creek council is looking after course they need to communicate with the fun stoppers about it:spank: but it's a step in the right

LOL,you crack me up!I think we should get the cudlee creek council to design all our roads!take over the highways department, and close the road to cars!
Sounds like a plan to me. I'll be ready.


Need you to work out the absolute shortest route between your house and a bend...LMAO.:thumbup::D.

Another early one. I warn you now, without a good nights sleep I won't be looking pretty....good thing for the helmet I
LOL,you crack me up!I think we should get the cudlee creek council to design all our roads!take over the highways department, and close the road to cars!

As long as they don't get any ideas about how to put in those long half lane patches that have become so popular nowadays:shakehead:, so there's a great step in the road going from one strip of black stuff to the other:disapprove:. You try to avoid riding over it and they then nail you with a dozen or so manhole covers to make you ride over Then they put up rails or cables to catch you if you do come off:eek:..DOH! These engineers need to go learn to ride a bike for a while to get the
Rant complete

Looking forward to a decent ride this weekend, and definitely looking forward to watching the fast folk going for it on the track:steve:.
Need you to work out the absolute shortest route between your house and a bend...LMAO.:thumbup::D.

Another early one. I warn you now, without a good nights sleep I won't be looking pretty....good thing for the helmet I

I got news for you need more than a good nights sleep to look pretty! :spank:

But i must admit, you cut a fine figure i those finely styled Dririder pants you just about live in! :D
I got news for you need more than a good nights sleep to look pretty! :spank:

But i must admit, you cut a fine figure i those finely styled Dririder pants you just about live in! :D

Hey:eek:! What do you mean "just about"'ll never guess what I wore to that engagement party last One of the few people in history to leave the house without his I had a pair of dress pants folded up on the table but had so much trouble fitting pressies in my bag I forgot them:eek:...LMAO.:D
Hey:eek:! What do you mean \"just about\"'ll never guess what I wore to that engagement party last One of the few people in history to leave the house without his I had a pair of dress pants folded up on the table but had so much trouble fitting pressies in my bag I forgot them:eek:...LMAO.:D

Lol! I bet you got some pretty weird looks! I bet the chicks "digged" it though.....Lol! :Flip:
Lol! I bet you got some pretty weird looks! I bet the chicks \"digged\" it though.....Lol! :Flip:

I think they might have from the looks:thumbup:. They would've dug it more if i didn't get stuck yakking with my ex all
Ok, all set for tomorrow mornig boys, weather is fining up as we speak, looks like it's going to be dry & mild!

Cant wait....

Arrrrrggghhh. I dunno if it's me getting old, or just fighting a bike with a dead front down through the hills yesterday, but DAMN... I'm sore Legs, shoulders and arms mainly (is there anything left :p).

Had a good time though, apart from forgetting the sunscreen (and me looking like "Mr Tomato-Head" now... *ouch*).

A pity the local population don't get behind local racing, pretty disappointing crowd. The racers looked like they were having a blast, makes you wanna get out there and do it yourself.

I'm sure there'll be some photo's along shortly, I didn't get many, but Wolf and Ozzy were clicking away all day.


Think I need an Epsom bath... bugga old age!!!
Arrrrrggghhh. I dunno if it's me getting old, or just fighting a bike with a dead front down through the hills yesterday, but DAMN... I'm sore Legs, shoulders and arms mainly (is there anything left :p).

Had a good time though, apart from forgetting the sunscreen (and me looking like \"Mr Tomato-Head\" now... *ouch*).

A pity the local population don't get behind local racing, pretty disappointing crowd. The racers looked like they were having a blast, makes you wanna get out there and do it yourself.

I'm sure there'll be some photo's along shortly, I didn't get many, but Wolf and Ozzy were clicking away all day.


Think I need an Epsom bath... bugga old age!!!

Tired, sore & hellishly sunburnt.....that was me when i walked in the door late last night after a great day of riding, watching the racing, and hanging with the boys! Was way to tired to even think about posting...just collapsed in a screaming heap on the lounge, with after sun moisturiser, and cold flannels to sooth my burning skin!!!! Wont forget sunscreen next time!!!!

Dave, i could see how tired you where when you left us, gotta say at that point, we had ridden to Mallala, then had taken the long way to the the Twisties via Tanunda, Angaston, Mt Pleasent, Birdwood, eventually lobbing at lobethal, for a reasonably spirited ride down Lobethal Road...all of us looking like we had spent a week in the solarium!!!!!

Gluttons for punishment.......Mike and i then put in another truckload of K's after you left....from Magill to Salisbury, then to Tea Tree Gully, to cudlee creek, to lobethal, to crafers, to Eagle on the Hill, to Glenosmond, back up Eagle on the Hill, to Upper Sturt, to Belair, back down the hill, back up ther hill to Belair, then to a Cafe to get some home about 9.30pm last night feeling absolutely beat!

Mike was mumbling something about covering 400km's at the cafe....and he still had to ride home.....apparently, the short way for! The mileage king was even beaten!

Yes we took lots of photo's, yes the local support for local racing was dissapointing, and yes, we had an awesome day, without any incident......Thankyou motorcycle gods, for looking after us, once again!

Not a Roo in site all day....Mike, your whistle's must work! in fact the whistle must of really annoyed the local Eagle's a bit, as one of them dropped the biggest single bird crap on Mike's bike, and Mike, i have ever seen....LMAO!!!!

Photo's on their way!

Holy crap Wolfman, think I only covered 260Kms, and that was from my place. No way I could've done 400, I was absolutely stuffed after the Norton Summit (great road that, have been there in a car a few times going to my Uncle's place... first time on the bike.)

BTW, how long were you waiting for me at the bottom there, looked like you had a bit of time to freshen up... :D

Thanks for a good day.
