SA FZ6 owners-collingrove hill climb - oct 26

OMG... I look like a "hunch-back" in that photo... lmao

Matt's bike is a monster... "I want one" (and, I'm not that keen on the naked look... like a bit of, but that thing is just nasty!!!)

Nice shot's Wolfman.


Oh yeah, was going to add, I took the route through Tanunda, Lyndoch and Gawler on the way home... only because I took a wrong turn.. turned left in Nuri instead of right :banghead:

Oh well, wasn't as straight as the road, So all good in the end.
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Finally got my act together to make a post. To tell the complete truth I pretty much passed out when i got home yesterday and just got home from work.

It was a top day starting with a primo brekky put on by Matt, checking out his new bike, a great day of racing and some riding thrown in for good measure.

Yes we did ride straight passed the turnoff and I saw the sign and couldn't stop laughing. a couple of the guys got to within a couple km of the turnoff on a fairly boring ride and suddenly a turn or two popped up and they were off....PMSL...Almost held it together the whole way.

Stopped into Matt's again on the way back to shoot the breeze and headed off.

I needed a fix of twisty stuff so I headed back via Teatree Gully, Campbelltown, Gumeracha, Lobethal, Lenswood, Lenswood again after a wrong,Balhannah, Hahndorf, Echunga, Meadows, Clarendon and home. It was a great ride with no mishaps and felt more comfortable than ever on any bike even though I was riding pretty hard.

Any how here's some more pics and if i can get it together some video too.
Ok here's my full run down of the day....

OK, we are all meeting at Matt's house at 8.30am for Breakfast....early...too early...but hey, you do what ya gotta do.

My Day started when alarm clock smacked me ove the head....25 minutes later i am meeting Mike (Ozzieboy) at the local pub carpark....we meet and move on without even turning off the bikes...Mike is waiting at exit of carpark on his bike...he see's me, and i keep riding, he tacks onto my back wheel...we then get to Dave's (Stumbles) place, and he is waiting out front too....quick stop here, then we are straight back on it.

We arrive for Breakfast on time....Get there to find Julian (Auusiejules), and Gary (Z1000) are also on time...great start to proceedings!

Present was Stumbles (Dave) – FZ6S, AussieJules (Julian) – FZ6N, Ozzieboy (Mike) – FZ6N, Matt - MT-01, Gary – Z1000, and me – FZ6N

Breakfast was great, Snags, Bacon & Eggs...great job Matt, most organised i have ever seen you!!!! (insert rebuke here!).

Managed to talk lots of crap at breakfast, pour over the bikes, especially Matt's new MT-01....definitely the hit of the day!, and compare all of our recent mods, etc, etc.

Ok, at about 10am we finally all jump on our trusty steeds and start making our way to Collingrove for the Hill Climb, after much discussion as to which way to go to get there...i tried to stay out of this, as i had no clue! Jules seemed to know what the go was, so we sorta went with what he suggested...but with 6 bikes, and only a loose plan, things were always likely to get interesting.

Anyway's, weather was looking like crap befoe we left, and as we sorta thought might happen, it started raining on the way....not much, but enough to trash the bikes....boys, is it just me, or was it raining mud!

The Ride to the track was quite we had decided to take the fast way...very straight roads! :eek: anyway, after about 60km's of this, i was going nuts...muttering to myself, stuff like, i hate the straight bits, mutta mutta...

Anyway, then Gary, on the z1000, obviously was feeling the same way, cause he suddenly took off when he saw a few corners ahead, i took off after him, 10 minutes later we were in some town that was obviously past where we were supposed to be!!!! about a minute later, everyone else arrived, minus Aussiejules...:eek:

We had ridden straight past Collingrove (not a town, but a historic residence on road we were riding), and the turn off to the track, which we found out when we finally did get there, was pretty hard to miss...unless of course, you have your head down & bum up, and are more interested in catching the bugger in front of you...Lol!

Mike (Ozzieboy) was the one who alerted us that he had seen the turn off, but just followed the group, that just sped right past it!

After turning around and following Mike, we find ourselves at the track's entrance, with Aussiejules standing there, shaking his head, and berating us for our inability to keep to our plan....plan, what plan, i was riding my bike!
All of this and we had only just got to our destination....:eek:

Did not enjoy the dirt track leading to the circuit, freakin hardcore ruts...was waiting for bits to start rattling off my bike! Plus my suspension is so stiff, it felt like hell!

Parked bikes, got more food!, group decision to go sit on top of big hill that would give us great view of track...except we had to get there....that required a walk up said hill, a very steep hill....picture 6 blokes, most around 40 years old, just about all rather overweight and unfit...result, 6 very puffed out, muttering people at top of hill...view was great, and there was no way we were moving for more than an we could'nt, most of us were on the verge of a Coronary implosion!

Got some great video from this spot, will post later, after i put it on Youtube.
The bikes then stopped racing, for a lunch break.

We decided at this point that we would go get our bikes and ride around to the next hill, which had an even better view, and importantly, we could ride our bikes there....NO walking!

So off we trek, sorta find out that it's ok to do this, and along with other people, who also had the same "bright" idea.....When we get to the top of the hill, i notice that racing has stopped for some unknown reason.....that reason turned out to be us! Yep, officials freaked out,as they obviously thought we wre too close to the track, and stopped racing, within minutes we had guys coming to tell us to get off the hill!

This was after other officials had told us it was cool, oh well, no stress, we just went and stood at the start of the track, where we could get a close up look at all the bikes, starts, and most importantly, get a Beer, even if it was semi-warm!

Spent the rest of the day at the track taking photo’s, checking out times for each rider as the blasted off up the hill...had a bit of a giggle at some of the more “interesting” bikes in the field...and they were many, and extremely varied, Quads, Supermotards, Classic Bikes...including a very quick old Ducati 900 Darmah, a BSA, and Ariel....freaking slow..., some Trial Bikes, a Side Car, Kids on 125’s, Streetfighter’s, Stunt was a great mix.....

Left just before Trophy presentation to ride back to Matt’s for a quick chat, was a reasonably boring ride, except for one quick blat...which to my surprise, no-one followed me on...oh and some interesting riding in traffic once we got back to suburbia...was obvious that we had all had a big day and were keen to get home, as most of us ended up riding like we had stole it, for the last 10km’s.

Back at Matt’s we had a nice cold beer, a quick chat, and took some photo’s of the bikes, which we should of done in the morning when Stumbles the lurker was about....

Then everyone left, except for Moi....Matt and i went for another ride more than anything to take the bikes to a jet wah to get some of the grime and dirt off our bikes before it settled in...gluttens for punishment, and by the end of the night i was up to 800km’s in three days, and for the first time in years i had hardcore arm pump on the way home....

All in all,it was an awesome day, great racing, nice riding, good company, a top brekky, a bunch of like minded blokes chilling.....and most importantly no drama on the road.

RIGHT !!!! i have just stopped laughing with embarasement, im feeling hot and red at the moment.I was scared it was going to bite me if i startled it, so i was patting its arse to get past unscathed.
RIGHT !!!! i have just stopped laughing with embarasement, im feeling hot and red at the moment.I was scared it was going to bite me if i startled it, so i was patting its arse to get past unscathed.

Lol! Matt offered to let me ride it on Sunday, but was feeling way too tired, but i reckon i will have to take him up on that offer real soon....Sat on it the other day, and started it, it just thumps, & the whole bike shakes at idle...:eek: did you go with your video camera, get anything video was shaky as...due to having zoom wound up, and no tripod....:( did you go with your video camera, get anything video was shaky as...due to having zoom wound up, and no tripod....:(

Didn't get around to watching it all yet, been stuffing around trying to get my net working again. My modem died Monday night, so am back to my old ADSL-1 modem at the moment.

Similar story though, pic is very shaky, need a tripod or something (sitting the camera on a stick would be better than holding it free-hand). Will have a look and see what I can dig out of it. Don't even know if I can get it onto my pc at this stage, I've never tried

Didn't get around to watching it all yet, been stuffing around trying to get my net working again. My modem died Monday night, so am back to my old ADSL-1 modem at the moment.

Similar story though, pic is very shaky, need a tripod or something (sitting the camera on a stick would be better than holding it free-hand). Will have a look and see what I can dig out of it. Don't even know if I can get it onto my pc at this stage, I've never tried


Am going to try and load a little of what i took onto Youtube tomorrow when i have a bit more time to stuff around.
