RIZOMA Products


Junior Member
Nov 23, 2008
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Brisbane Australia
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Hi everyone. Fairly new to this site and just wanted to say hello and give a bit of a story about what happen to me the other day.

I was on my way to my parents house (I own a 05 FZ6N) doing about 75kph when i noticed a lovely big black crow flying my way. Will little did i know that crow was on a suicide run. The crow and i have made contact, first he hit my left hand mirror and then my helmet. What a shock this was, he had ripped off my mirror. Now im currently riding around with one mirror which makes life hard.

What i am wanting to know is if anyone in OZ know of a place that sells RIZOMA products. I would like to change my mirrors to a more stream line version. I have found some i want pic below. Could anyone please help??
I've looked at the Rixoma stuff myself, would love the grips and mirrors.

Unfortunately, I don't know of anyone in Oz selling them, you'd have to import them I think.

I was looking through an old magazine at work last night, and found place that has a lot of gear on their site (no Rizoma stuf though, sorry).

Not much in the way of mirrors there at all.

Wolfman put some MCS Bar-end mirrors on his Naked, they look really neat, could be an option until you get the Rizoma's you want. Local Yammy dealer here has them, so should be the same over there.

Glad you are okay, I spit my coffee out as I was reading your story.

Rizoma is very nice stuff, expensive, but very high quality. I checked their site and didn't see an importer for Oz.

Maybe contact PJs Parts and see if they can point you to an OZ contact, of maybe you could buy from them? PJs rocks, super friendly and helpful. They also take a fare amount off of the suggested retail price too.
Oh it gets better now. I have just noticed that my gauge was also hit by this bird and has cracked it and the mount. looks like i will need to buy one of these. I did notice it vibrating more than usual yesterday.