Riding Smooth, Not Necessarily Fast

Wow, this really hits home. I hope he doesn't mind me putting him on the spot, but \\\"the rider\\\" in the article reminds me a lot of Cali Rider...Snipped the compliments

Thank you very much for the kind words. I am flattered with the comparison to subject rider in the article.

...Since then I have slowed down a lot and paid a lot more attention to riding within my abilities, smooth and in control. Because of this I have gained a lot of confidence and feel much better about being able to deal with hazards that may come along.

Travis, I'm very glad to read this. You are lucky to have those type of roads in your backyard, just take your time to hone your skills at your own pace. I want to see another former Seca 750 owner move to that zenith of riding bliss.
+1 on the Cali Rider comment... I must have logged a few thousand miles following him in the past year or 2 and smoothness would be the word of choice to describe his riding... it looks like he picks a speed at the bottom of the hill, presses the cruise control button and rides at that same speed all the way up the mountain.

I consider myself his student, and love to ride with him... so here's a wave for you John :wav: :rof:

+1 on the Cali Rider comment... I must have logged a few thousand miles following him in the past year or 2 and smoothness would be the word of choice to describe his riding... it looks like he picks a speed at the bottom of the hill, presses the cruise control button and rides at that same speed all the way up the mountain.

I consider myself his student, and love to ride with him... so here's a wave for you John :wav: :rof:


Hey David, I think you have some brown stuff on your nose.:Flip: Haha, just teasin' guys.