Riding etiquette


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2009
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Norwich, Norfolk
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Being fairly new to riding and only really getting my fz6 out for proper runs in this last two weeks I have noticed how polite bikers are every on coming rider either nods, waves even the harley riders! Even some cage drivers tuck themselves in to the left to let u overtake which in return I always acknowledge!

Not knowing all the biker codes yet I've seen some riders tilt there head either left or right as we pass eachother , is that another form of acknowledgement or are they just stretching achey neck muscles?

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The twisting neck I have never seen before in belgium.

I greet all riders including HD-riders with 2 fingers in the air while still holding on the the handle bars. When a rider salutes me by waving, then I wave back equally.
when a cager is letting me thru on purpose, I give him a thanks with my right foot.

Also at dense traffic when I need my 2 feet and hands, I knod.
Yeah they do the foot signal a lot in Europe... just take your right foot off the peg and extend it out a bit for a couple of seconds to say "thanks".... it's mainly used when you split traffic and the car to your right makes room for you (foot out means you can keep your right hand on the throttle, and close to the brake lever...).
using your foot? what do you do? never heard of it.



Yup, what Wavex said :)

We just take our right foot of the peg for about 1-2 seconds just to say thanks.
Much safer this way as we can hold our 2 hands on the bars just in case braking action is needed. :thumbup:

I also do the "foot-thanks" to other bikers when it's not safe to take the hand off the bars. For example when I'm maneuvering onto a intersection.
Dont leave a fellow rider stranded. If you see someone on two wheels on the side of the road who looks like they could use a hand, stop and do what you can.
"the nod" (trademark) is pretty standard in the UK.

I have seen a few riders use the left foot as thanks, but I would rather put a hand up in acknowledgement to a car. To me the foot wave looks like they are going to fall off so to a car driver may sh*t them up a bit.

In Scotland riders seem to give a very exuberant wave instead of the nod.