Rejected by the cruiser gang

:rof::rof::rof: Whats so funny? That idiot man more than likely tells his kids not to judge, hate, so on and on just because of something the other kids may wear to school or have because it may not be like theres. Then he comes to work and judges you. Seriously bud I feel for you. Here is what I do at work with those types off ppl. I work with them because I have to but if they cross the line I fire back in away it dumb founds them or makes them feel stupid. I also do it in a so so nice way no aggression just proving you have them, know what there thinking, hell you own them and then I just go about my buisness. For sure not all ppl is like that man and I wish you luck with finding someone thats not. I actually have three guys at work all own HDs. I let them rag me at first because its all fun and game but then I made sure I put each of them in there place. I put a stop to it to make sure they knew where I stood. Make sure you do it with no aggression in your words just wit or you could get in trouble at work. Take care. A man who walks alone because he stands for what he believes in especially when hes right I respect more than any man who dont know what they stand for or just want to fit in.

Ride that FZ6 with pride, self satisfaction, confidence, and willingness not to judge others for what they like. Just remember never get ****y. It may change things if they see your self satisfaction with yourself and confidence you accept what YOU like. Sry so long reply. This is one of those things that push my buttons. In school or out of work this is fighting stuff.
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My condolences about your acquaintance, obviously not a friend. I would venture to say your buddy has too much of his self-esteem tied up in his ride and can't handle someone who doesn't agree with his choices.
We take crap about our bike, our gear and harley riders snub us when we wave at them. Sportbikers are the friendliest bikers there are and I’ll continue to wave at anyone who rides on two wheels.

As far as touring is concerned it is definitely possible with the right luggage and you can always find someone who’s willing to go along.
It's all about personal choice....tell your "friend" to get lost. He's suggesting that his choice is superior to your choice, which is just elitism at its finest.
H-D owners really need to get over themselves.....Tell him that he fell for the biggest marketing scam ever perpetrated.
It's all about personal choice....tell your "friend" to get lost. He's suggesting that his choice is superior to your choice, which is just elitism at its finest.
H-D owners really need to get over themselves.....Tell him that he fell for the biggest marketing scam ever perpetrated.

Yes! I'm not against cruisers. My first bike was a cruiser. I just don't agree with HD. They are not good bikes..............for the money.

If I bought a new car with a small elite following that say cost $40000 and then told you that it has a under powered motor, poor suspension and reliability issues and then told you I bought a Hyundai Accent (sans reliability issues because they are actual pretty good) you'd say I went off the deep end.

But wait I modded my Accent with chrome wheels and bumpers and a loud exhaust. And I told you only hardcore and cool people bought Hyundai Accents and because of the hype they hold their value. You'd still think I'm crazy because everything that's in that specific vehicle is "average".

No aluminum suspension and wheels for light unsprung weight. No finely tuned shocks and/or struts and springs with advanced suspension geometry. No advanced engine tuning with the latest variable valve lift and timing control along with superior engine output.

That's HD. You pay a lot and get a little.
Wow! 24 replies in just a few hours....

I certainly agree with much of what's been said and I feel a lot better about the whole thing. This particular person is actually pretty decent about most stuff, although he has a tough time seeing anything that isn't a chrome covered HD as a "real" bike. His extra large ego also tends to get in the way and he's considerably older than I am, so that stuff plays in too. I just wish he would keep his opinion more in check - at least until he knows a bit about what he's talking about. I've never laughed at him when he decided to trailer his bike to an event or waited for the dealer to perform a $200 oil change (he has an incredible workshop but never turns a wrench).

In thinking about what to buy I've never given the slightest thought as to what others wanted me to get. My decision to get an FZ6 was a careful one and I know I made the right call.
Yes! I'm not against cruisers. My first bike was a cruiser. I just don't agree with HD. They are not good bikes..............for the money.

If I bought a new car with a small elite following that say cost $40000 and then told you that it has a under powered motor, poor suspension and reliability issues and then told you I bought a Hyundai Accent (sans reliability issues because they are actual pretty good) you'd say I went off the deep end.

But wait I modded my Accent with chrome wheels and bumpers and a loud exhaust. And I told you only hardcore and cool people bought Hyundai Accents and because of the hype they hold their value. You'd still think I'm crazy because everything that's in that specific vehicle is "average".

No aluminum suspension and wheels for light unsprung weight. No finely tuned shocks and/or struts and springs with advanced suspension geometry. No advanced engine tuning with the latest variable valve lift and timing control along with superior engine output.

That's HD. You pay a lot and get a little.

You nailed it. I'm looking for a bike with more performance AND one that's affordable and easy to work on. The cruiser guys I work with have more $$$ (I've got kids - they don't) and they're more interested in show bikes and maintaining a certain type of biker image. Dropping $1000 at the dealer doesn't make them blink. I don't see anything wrong with their interests, but a little mutual respect would be nice.

Maybe I should hang with the KLR crowd. They're more in my price range :D
I have had some crap from guys riding on SuperSports, i get crap about the Givi Top Case luggage box. But you know what screw them. I can take my bike out to the twisties just the same (okay maybe not go as fast, lol, but i did beat a guy who was talking $hit about my bike, he had a R1, he thought he was the best because he had more power, i passed him in a turn in the twisties, left him in the dust, he caught up with me at a light, he looked at me, didnt say anything and let me go first, haha) get home, have enough gas to go get some grocerys, throw them in the top case and keep riding and they're still at the pump putting gas :Flip: I would ride with anyone, a scooter, a 250cc, a HD, a SuperMoto...they're all riders to me :thumbup: Anyone else who thinks cuz we ride a FZ6 we are less capable i dont even bother with ^_^
My dad always says you dont agrue with a wheelbarrow, you just push it :p
When I had my Suzuki Intruder I rode with an internet club who all had cruiser bikes. When I got my FZ6 and went riding for the first time they all laughed and pulled my leg but paid interest in the bike.

Whilst riding in France I was getting messages from other members in poland, Sweden and Germany where they had gone riding.

I am pleased to say my friends like me for who I am not what I ride.

If your friend does not think you are "Man" enough to ride with him just because you have a FZ6 then just be a "Girlie" and find some other friends with more brains.

The picture is of Jannie chatting to a Harley rider in France. He was from Holland. He was impressed that we had ridden all the way down from Denmark, we were impressed that he had dared to come into another country without a tow truck and a mechanic with him. Nice guy who was interested in bikes.

Sounds adolescent to me. Maybe like when in H.S. days others would take a Chevy or Ford camp. I didn't think that these were truly serious but I later learned that some actually get locked up/twisted with such brand hysteria. Geesh (And I don't consider myself sophisticated). I believe that many/most? Harley riders aren't so simple/introvert minded. I'll talk to both Dems and Reps---I'm not going to twist off/act pompous because somebody's not riding a Yamaha or Harley.
I totally agree with you tailgate, there are quite a lot of harley riders in Holland (and at my work) , but in my experience they are just as friendly toward me as the other riders. Maybe it's different from place to place, but why I can't imagine :confused:
I've had plenty of people ask me "Why didn't you get the r6??" I reply "Well I like my back the way it is and I like to ride more than 30 minutes without feeling like I have to take a yoga class to stretch out. I don't need the extra power, my fz6 goes plenty fast for me. I'm not the racer type, I like to go fast occasionally but for the most part I like a comfortable ride. In my mind I made the perfect choice!!" They say, "oh."
I totally agree with you tailgate, there are quite a lot of harley riders in Holland (and at my work) , but in my experience they are just as friendly toward me as the other riders. Maybe it's different from place to place, but why I can't imagine :confused:

I agree with you Cloggy.

If we didn`t ride these sports bikes and they didn`t ride HD`s what would we find to take the P""s out of when we are all sharing a beer.

Except our women..and religion...politics etc

People like that are ragin douchebags. Thats the proper scientific term for them.
I have no problems with Harley's either...I'd never ride one yet though. Maybe when I'm 50! :)

We had a guy come with us on a Honda Shadow 750 to a ride...we were all on sport bikes and sport tourers. He fell. He just couldn't keep up with our cornering...granted we always waited for him, and we told him not to attempt fast turns cuz he'll fall...he doesn't ride with us anymore most likely because of a damaged point is that they may have rejected you (we never rejected the cruiser guy) but I think you'll have way more fun finding other sportier bikes to ride with.

2nd: When I went up to Moto GP, I went to Cannery Row on Friday night to wait for my UCLA sport bike friends. Who did I hang out with? Harley Guys. They were awesome. We hooted at girls, drank beer, ate, and just had a great time. I was accepted as a rider, and I told them what bike I had and we even compared and debated bikes. Result?: they like theirs and I like mine. haha

Bummer about them being lame for your bike. You'll be glad you got the FZ and it's awesome for long rides! Keep talking to them, and hopefully your friendship and riding kinship can be stronger than the Harleys-only club...

good luck!
I'll throw in 2 cents as well.I currently own a '55 HD Panhead and a '75 HD Shovelhead as well as my '08 fz6,when I ride those old bikes with a group I get the same treatment. If its not new and all chromed out you don't belong.
We like to say they've got more dollars than sense,plus most of 'em can't ride worth a damn anyway.