REALLY easy/stupid newbie question


Nerd Extraordinaire
Elite Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Springfield, MO
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How do I remove the seat? Do I just pull? On all my quads there has always been a release lever...

I don't have a manual for the bike yet and couldn't find any threads about this (since it's probably common knowledge for everyone else :)) and I didn't want to break it.
Put the key in the seat release (located on the left side of the bike), turn the key and pull up on the back of the seat. Once you have the back of the seat up a little, pull the entire seat straight back.
Awesome! I knew it would be an easy answer. Thanks :)

(now I feel stupid for not seeing a keyhole)
When you go to put it back on make sure you get the front clip back under the catch. It's not really a lip but if you turn the seat over you'll see a piece sticking down and dowards the front. The first time I put my seat back on I kept missing the catch that it goes under. After the first time thou it's really easy going back on, You'll get the feel for how it goes back on.:thumbup:
And make sure you remove the key and dont bend it in half far from home.
:banghead:Yeah, I was going to say that putting the seat back on is more of a pain in the butt. I've come to a point that I don't take the seat off unless I have a very good reason to do so.
There is a bit of a learning curve to anything but the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. ( This comes from experience).


P.S There is no stupid question
:banghead:Yeah, I was going to say that putting the seat back on is more of a pain in the butt. I've come to a point that I don't take the seat off unless I have a very good reason to do so.

Yup, agree that it's a pain to get back on. I never used to use it, but I now take it off every time I go for a ride. Best place to store my disc-lock. Don't want to be carrying it on my body in case I come off whilst moving.

Yeah, make sure you grab that key out of the lock. I forget so many times to grab the key and I know that one day if I forget the key in the lock, my bike might disappear on me. That has already happened once, and I don't want it to happen again.