Pre-workout supplements


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May 2, 2010
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Surprise AZ
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So I thought I would ask if any of ya'll are taking some Pre-workout supplements. I took Jack3d while over in Afghan, but now I have to take like 3 scoops to feel the buzz. I just bought some SuperPump Max. I haven't been able to try it because of a sinus infection. I have friends telling me to try Code Red and Assault. I was just curious if anyone had some good reviews on any of them.

USPlabs Jack3d™ - Lemon Lime - USP LABS 1010125 - GNC

Gaspari Nutrition® SuperPump™ Max - Blue Raspberry - GASPARI - GNC

MusclePharm™ Assault&#153 - Blue Arctic Raspberry - MUSCLEPHARM - GNC
Heh, I don't think this is spam, but it's the kind of thing a spambot would post ... if so, delete away.

Anyways, I use hemo-rage. Despite the ridiculous name, it tends to do the job of both getting you up for the workout and getting me through my full routine. Your mileage may vary and every body is different. I take one scoop, I find the two they recommend is a bit much. My buddy and I take it, he takes the same dosage, we're both big dudes and heavy lifters so I'm inclined to say that 1 scoop is enough for anyone.

As with any of these, much of its effect can be attributed to the placebo effect. The effects of any pre-workout supplement will become dulled over time. That's just how our bodies work, so don't be bothered when something stops working. So far as I'm concerned these supplements are fine for working out every other day or maybe more, but if you're serious about adding muscle fast or something like that, this isn't the way to do it. Good ol' fashioned 8 meals + 3 workouts a day does that trick. :)
Caffeine is all i've ever needed....It gets my old joint's lubed up and oxygen in my blood faster....I have tryed a ton of the suplements when I was younger,but none of them realy made any difference.If its weight you want to pick up Raymen noodles with Tuna or Chilli with corn chips will pack it on quick...if you want to get ripped eat mostly all meat and salads and no carbs... :rockon: :D
I agree with Kazza, I think that supplements are what their definition says... they supplement your normal diet, they don't substitute it.

However, I have to confess that during last years there are some periods (of good 6 months or so each) that I use whey protein supplement. I have also tried creatine.

Try instead to do something like the following:
- morning: 3 egg whites/half toast + milk (low fat) or yoghurt + cereal
- fruit
- noon have your hi-pro normal lunch (fish,meat,chicken + carbs)
- aroud 15:00 small sanwitch with 2-3 slices of turkey + 1 slice of cheese
- 1.5-2 hours before workout cereal bar + bananna + almonds/cashews
- Work-out (gym) or training (power sport, martial arts)
- right after the work-out and before you leave the gym: 1 whey protein shake for quick assimilation
- light dinner (hi pro - low carbs) [chicken/tuna/6-7 eggs[only 1 yolk]]
- 1 hour before sleep low fat yoghurt ~ 300 grams ~ 19 grams of protein

You can easily remove the protein shake from your diet if you eat dinner quickly right after the training.

You don't need to do what the supplement advertisements say..e.g. 3x times a day, 1-2 scoops, this is not necessary if you have a balanced diet. There is no reason to overload you liver. Think also that supplements have conservatives.

Also, when the daily intake of supplements is quite high, people tend to "forget" to eat real food, and they heavily rely on them.. big mistake

For pre-work out supplement I've used once Tri-Matrix evolution, but again, didn't work good enough to continue putting creatine in my body.

A friend of mine though, claimed that he noticed a huge difference with NO Xplode of BSN. My opinion? 20% true and 80% self-suggestion.
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Supplements are not always good, and will eventually take their toll, but if you really like the feeling (as even I do) then NO explode is a good one, but I like jack3d the best. Like most things, your body will become used to just about what ever you put in it, so if you switch to something else for a while and then come back to jack3d you will have to take less again. The main problem, though, is that most of the main ingredients are the same throughout, so even with a new supplement, it will still take more than you might think to have you feeling anything.
IMO I would stray away from them for a few months, 3 or so and just lift naturally, smaller meals before your workout will really help with energy levels. OJ, bananas, canned fruit in light syrups, granola bars are all good thing to eat just before you lift.
hope this helps
I've been lifting for 20 years. Have never taking any pre-workout supplements.
The only supplement I use is protein powder, because it's very difficult to get enough protein from food, for muscle gain / maintenance.

Really comes down to what you going for and what you care about. If gaining muscle was more important to me than health and longevity, I'd probably be trying all of the above stuff too.
Being nearly 50 years old......

The best pre-workout supplement I can take is a couple of aspirin.

It's not the workout it self that will get me, it's the aches and pains afterwards -- those don't set in for a couple of days and can last a week or more.

Half an hour before I do something strenuous, pop a couple of generic aspirin, and chase with lots of water as I work out.

If I'm exercising for more than an hour, I may take some more when I finish up whatever chore I was doing. This is usually along the lines of tossing a couple of tons of hay bales, or working on a wood pile, chopping brush, or digging ditches, etc.