Powerbronze Seat Cowl


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Jul 2, 2009
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I finally got tired of looking at my 2up seat and decided to bite the bullet and buy a seat cowl. The Powerbronze won out of the TCP, it looked more OEM to me.

Just for reference, here's the tail end to start.


The install is pretty easy, first you rip off your seat. Flip it over and the cowl basically slides on and secures to the seat with 4 bend over tabs.


Here's how it looks from the side. The cowl snugs up perfect against the contour of the seat.


Reinstall the seat, and you are done... easy!



I also figured I'd remove the rear sets since now there's no passenger seating. I think it looks more "aggressive".


It was really hard to tell from the other web pictures how it would look, but I think it looks great with the black. That's the standard "black" plastic color that comes from Powerbronze and it matches great.
that 3rd picture had me worried as it looked like something had tried to eat or kill the cowl. Looks like a nice match once it's installed. I've been considering a cowl as well as I really like the look and it'll be a long time until I'm comfortable with a passenger on the back.
Heh... the cowl shipped from Powerbronze with a clear plastic film over it. That is what you see in the 3rd pic, it was still on the part. I peeled it off after it was installed back on the bike.
Looks good...also looks like it could be stolen rather easily. I wish the TCP one wasn't so expensive, but I like this one too.

Is the paint just straight black or does it have the metal flake in it like the yamaha paint? If it's just straight black, can you tell a difference or do you have to really be looking at it to notice it?
I kind of like it,but to be honest,I prefer the more humped versions.
It still looks like a passenger pad the way it dips down.
I used to have one of those....wasn't happy with it at all.

Those metal clamps will scratch some of the rear plastic and will eventually wear/cut into the seat fabric - you'll want to cover them with something - I used electrical tape which seemed to work.

@sixsix - the paint is gloss black, no flake or anything, but it matches the raven color well. And yes, it could be stolen easily - since the seat width tapers down towards the rear, you can pretty much just pull it towards the rear and rip it off along with some seat material and paint.

I ended up selling mine and getting an Axio tailbag - I wanted the hump look and some decent storage space is definitely a plus - I get far more comments on the tailbag than I did with the cowl.
I used to have one of those....wasn't happy with it at all.

Those metal clamps will scratch some of the rear plastic and will eventually wear/cut into the seat fabric - you'll want to cover them with something - I used electrical tape which seemed to work.

@sixsix - the paint is gloss black, no flake or anything, but it matches the raven color well. And yes, it could be stolen easily - since the seat width tapers down towards the rear, you can pretty much just pull it towards the rear and rip it off along with some seat material and paint.

I ended up selling mine and getting an Axio tailbag - I wanted the hump look and some decent storage space is definitely a plus - I get far more comments on the tailbag than I did with the cowl.

How do you mount your axio tailbag, I have tried a few different methods on the tail end of the bag but I am still playing with it. Any pics?
How do you mount your axio tailbag, I have tried a few different methods on the tail end of the bag but I am still playing with it. Any pics?

Chemicalsmile may come through with a good method, but in the meantime or as an alternative, here is how I mounted mine. (I sold it recently and had not used it for a while, so this is from memory.)

There are two struts that support the side rails. Both the front and rear straps wrap around these struts. The front straps of the Axio are designed to stick to themselves, i.e., they have hooks on one end and loops on the other. Place the bag on the passenger portion of the seat. Unstick a front strap from itself, then route down and in front of the front strut on that side, wrap under and route the strap to the rear, go over the top of the rear strut, then wrap around and go under the bottom of the rear strut back toward the front and stick the velcro together. The rear straps are designed to stick to each other, i.e. one has hooks on the bottom, the other has loops on top (or vice versa). So unstick them if they are stuck, grab one and route it down and to the rear of the rear strut on that side, loop under and back up, then pull over the taillight cowling toward the other side of the bike. Do the same with the other side. Then do your best to pull both sides tight and stick them together. This is the tricky part as the straps will end up under the back end of the Axio, so you have to try to pull them tight under the bag without letting them stick together before you get them tight enough.
Or something like that.
I did indeed get it off Ebay, and it was around $100 (too much for a plastic part, but what are you going to do).

I'm going to pop it off tonight and put on some fabric around the metal tabs, thanks for the tip chemicalsmile.
I've had a couple of bad Powerbronze experiences (very poor quality and finish) and stay away from them now.

This cowl looks ok though...
Chemicalsmile may come through with a good method, but in the meantime or as an alternative, here is how I mounted mine. (I sold it recently and had not used it for a while, so this is from memory.)

There are two struts that support the side rails. Both the front and rear straps wrap around these struts. The front straps of the Axio are designed to stick to themselves, i.e., they have hooks on one end and loops on the other. Place the bag on the passenger portion of the seat. Unstick a front strap from itself, then route down and in front of the front strut on that side, wrap under and route the strap to the rear, go over the top of the rear strut, then wrap around and go under the bottom of the rear strut back toward the front and stick the velcro together. The rear straps are designed to stick to each other, i.e. one has hooks on the bottom, the other has loops on top (or vice versa). So unstick them if they are stuck, grab one and route it down and to the rear of the rear strut on that side, loop under and back up, then pull over the taillight cowling toward the other side of the bike. Do the same with the other side. Then do your best to pull both sides tight and stick them together. This is the tricky part as the straps will end up under the back end of the Axio, so you have to try to pull them tight under the bag without letting them stick together before you get them tight enough.
Or something like that.

thanks, i will see if i can work with it some more. i am painting it to match the bike so it will be tomorrow before i can play with it.
How do you mount your axio tailbag, I have tried a few different methods on the tail end of the bag but I am still playing with it. Any pics?

I strap mine to the seat - I take the front straps and run under the seat to the opposite sides and run them through the D-rings then back and fasten underneath, in front of the seat latch (tongue?). The back ones get looped around the piece that attaches the grab handle to the tail then fastened together underneath the bag. This is the most secure way I've found to mount it - the velcro is strong and since it's in front of the latch, won't come off with the seat latched on (unless the straps were cut I guess..). The only con I've found with this way is that when you strap down the fronts through the D-rings, it pulls the bag down and it conforms to the seat - which looks good - but you lose a little storage height in the bag.

Sorry OP for the thread-jack and what may look like bashing of your cowl - I actually really like how they look and the fiberglass and paint quality on mine was great, just hated how it mounted to the seat.
I strap mine to the seat - I take the front straps and run under the seat to the opposite sides and run them through the D-rings then back and fasten underneath, in front of the seat latch (tongue?). The back ones get looped around the piece that attaches the grab handle to the tail then fastened together underneath the bag. This is the most secure way I've found to mount it - the velcro is strong and since it's in front of the latch, won't come off with the seat latched on (unless the straps were cut I guess..). The only con I've found with this way is that when you strap down the fronts through the D-rings, it pulls the bag down and it conforms to the seat - which looks good - but you lose a little storage height in the bag.

Sorry OP for the thread-jack and what may look like bashing of your cowl - I actually really like how they look and the fiberglass and paint quality on mine was great, just hated how it mounted to the seat.

I was just going to post the exact same thing. Thanks for saving me the typing :)

Here is a thread with pics of the Axio bag mounted to my bike. It gives an idea of how it was done. The strap from one side passes under the seat and loops into the D ring on the other side, then back under the seat to attach to itself.