Playing with sport bikes and super motos.

Positives: Nice roads, lovely weather, beautiful scenery and some nice bikes. Oh, and amazingly no one appeared to be killed.

Negatives: too many to list!!! Slow down for pedestrians and other road users, and stay on your side of the road.

Don't expect too much respect on this forum if you post squid vids like that my friend.
Negatives: too many to list!!! Slow down for pedestrians and other road users, and stay on your side of the road.

Don't expect too much respect on this forum if you post squid vids like that my friend.

Oh relax. He will get just that.

That was a pretty sweet video.

Thanks for posting!


(but running the other biker to the end of his lane at 3:45 was a dick move...other than that visibility was fine every else they weren't doing anything that bad)
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Oh relax. He will get just that.

That was a pretty sweet video.

Thanks for posting!


(but running the other biker to the end of his lane at 3:45 was a dick move...other than that visibility was fine every else they weren't doing anything that bad)

Thanks bro! Yeah that guy with the white and red suit on the R6 is pretty crazy, he's Korean and doesn't ride with us often. We try to tell him to try and stay on his lane as much as possible but still he does otherwise. He's a pretty nice and mellow guy though I can't understand his kamikaze moves.

I try to stay on my lane as much as possible and only cross over when I'm absolutely sure that there is no on coming traffic. There are just some parts on that road that have slippery stuff on it that's why we sometimes cross over. We haven't had any accidents within our group for over four years now thank God. ;)
great road, watched the video on mute though lol.

wow that riding on the wrong side of the road in the curves and cutting close to other bikers, pedestrians makes me nervous it is going to end in a bad way sooner or later. Then again, maybe in the year 2020 everyone is protected by an invisible force field.