Picture pop-ups, MAKE THEM STOP?!?


Junior Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, AU
hey guys, just wondering if there is a way to stop pictures coming up in a pop up when i click them. I'd much rather they just opened in the same window or in a new one. I can't find the setting to change it.

any ideas?
I don't know if there is any on/off setting for this one but there are two easy ways to open the picture in a window instead of a pop-up window. 1st way left click on the picture and when the pop-up window appears left click again on the pop-up window and the picture opens all by itself in the same tab/window. 2nd way is to right click on the picture and then left click 'open in a new tab/window' etc. option. I think i helped a little with that. :thumbup:
Hold down the Ctrl key when clicking on them and it will open them in a new tab in the same window. It's the same in Firefox and IE7+. I just click on each picture separately one by one, let them load in the tabs and then check them out.

It works with any links (text etc) holding Ctrl opens them in a new tab and Shift in a new window.
yeah normally i'd just click a picture and hold down the command key (on a mac) and it would pop up in a tab behind so you can keep on reading etc or load up a few pics at a time

instead you have to wait for the picture to load up in this black popup window, cycle through them, then lose where you were reading from

thanks for the replies!