Passed on BOTH sides by cars....


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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I was on the freeway doing 120kph (speed limit 100kph).....

I notice in my peripheral vision two rockets in my mirrors. I tuck in and centre myself in lane and just hold on......

they must have been going AT LEAST 240kph. Like I was standing still. one car one SUV looked like a SRT jeep. Did I mention this was in the middle of the night on the way home? They could not even have seen me at that speed with my tiny little rear light.

When they came up to a bunch of cars about 400 metres in front of me they swerved around them slamming on brakes at same time and had some MAJOR chasis roll and general unstability. These were not skilled drivers.

I was PISSED but what the hell could i have done.
I would kill for an SRT8 Jeep. I have a stiff sway bar on my jeep so no body roll!

But yeah that sucks, there's a lot of crappy drivers on the road, be safe!
I am just glad you are able to post and tell us about the situation. I have had several close calls in the last 2 weeks with lane changes and speeding cars overtaking me in the desired lane. It's made me reevaluate my lane changing procedure. I'm trying to cut down on the simultaneous turn and shoulder check.

Stay safe out there, man.
this is why I make sure I'm always the fastest object in worries about being overtaken lol but seriously glad your alright man I'm sure it was scary and WAY not cool on their part.....stay safe
Its just good your ok, sadly in cases like this there isn't much -you- can do other than ride responsibly and be aware, just like you where doing.
Hopefully they get picked up by the police and it will be one less dangerous threat on the road to deal with.
Glad you didn't get hit!
As for
I was PISSED but what the hell could i have done.

Nothing at that point, but if you could find a way to avoid being out there in the middle of the night, you'll probably live longer :)
Rule #1, CAGERS will KILL you, and not even know it until after the fact. Tis true all over the world, so drive defensive and safe. Lucky you are not on a patrol report as a traffic fatalilty. GRUMPY
Damn. Double of what you were going and at that is kind of scary. Did you tap you brake couple of times or you just tucked in and prayed?
So many retarded cagers out there and sad to say, so many don't care about bikers. Am glad everything turned out good.
I would of taken the plates of both people and tried to get contact info from other witnesses. Driving at that rate of speed would equal loss of license where i live.
Damn. Double of what you were going and at that is kind of scary. Did you tap you brake couple of times or you just tucked in and prayed?
So many retarded cagers out there and sad to say, so many don't care about bikers. Am glad everything turned out good.

Tapping your brakes sounds like a good idea! They may still not care but at least you made yourself seen to try and help. Also, "passed on BOTH sides...". Was there any particular reason why you were cruising along in the center lane. Seems it may have been better to be in the slow right lane. Good job about not freaking out and making any rash decisions (suddenly switching lanes or going faster) that could have made the situation worse!
You must have loud pipes that saved your life.

Hey is this going to be another hijacked thread?

Glad your okay.

In a parking lot the other day, some paramedics had those paddles out and were trying to revive a dead guy. You know The regular deal where they yell "CLEAR!" and then you hear that little "PFFFFFT" sound and then that oscillator whine as it charges those high voltage capacitors for another jolt.
Nothing..... They hit him three more times, his back arching from the high voltage. They look at each other, shaking their heads negatively. I pull up on my bike and ask if I could be of any help and they say, "Move along sir, nothing to see, move along" So I throttle the crap out of my bike, my Two Brothers Racing Exhaust singing that loud familiar FZ6 signature trumpets of hell note. The dead guy sits up and yells "WTF!":eek:
Turns out loud pipes do save lives......:rof::rof:
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You must have loud pipes that saved your life.


all laughing aside... i'm happy you're ok. this would have freaked me out. i agree that maybe a couple of brake taps "might" have helped. but who knows. and if it were me... if i were able to get close enough to get plate numbers i'd call the cops and let them know what happened. but it doesn't sound like that's the case.

again, glad you're ok.
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i thought about chasing them down to get their license plates but they were weaving EXTREMELY dangerously through the traffic ahead with heavy chasis roll and just general instability. I thought the SRT was going to fishtail and go for a roll at one point.

seriously, these guys had no driving skill at all it was just "pedal to the metal" stuff that makes them feel fast. losers. to drive fast is something any idiot can do. not everyone can turn it into an artform. those that cant should not pretend to be schumacher. and even if you can use your head god damn it.
I would never try chasing someone down on my bike just to get a license plate.

You're smaller and more vulnerable, and unless you're the best rider in the world you're more likely to crash.

When I'm in my car, I will chase people down to get their license plate if they're driving wrecklessly/drunk.
But I try not to break laws myself which makes it extremely difficult.

Both times I've called 911 after a drunk driver ran a red light and almost hit me, and then the drivers stopped at a liquor store, the cops didn't come.