Ok here's a stupid question...

Got off the FZ6 one day and was very upset that my passenger had thrown their helmet across the parking . WTF, took a min to realize I kicked it getting off, so that's where those scuffs on the grabs came from......
I have been watching some cowboy movies, gonna try from the balcony this weekend..
I am new to riding I struggle to mount my bike with a tail pack because it gets in the way when I swing my leg over. I have just been looking at the bikes loaded for touring & thought I must be doing something wrong if you guys can still mount your bikes with all that gear.
So please tell me what am I doing wrong?
My bike is an FZ6 S2 2008

THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS. (But there are hundreds of stupid mounts and dismounts............and I'm REALLY sick and tired of being the one doing them all!)
Lately, I find myself riding with a big ol' bag of laundry on the pillion space. I'm 6' and do the center stand mount thing. Sometimes I'll do the place the foot on the seat and slide the leg across move, but it's never as graceful...despite years of martial arts training and my incredible ninja-like mad skillz...
I like being 6'3". Even with a tailbag i can still roundhouse my way onto the bike. without a tailbag i can almost WALK onto the bike from behind....ALMOST.

But then when i get on i look like a gorilla humping a football a little bit lol.
I've cracked my shin on the grab handle more times than that,when throwing my leg over.Usually when it's freezing cold and by Christ it hurts like a bitch! :D

I'd had my '04 FZ6 a couple of days, I'd spent all day cleaning it, I had to go into town on a quick shopping trip. I pull up in the bike parking and there's half a dozen youngsters on mopeds checkin' out my shiny Fz. :cool:
I go get the stuff I need and return to the bike. The teenagers are still there & they're still checkin' out my cool wheels. I stick in the keys, fire her up swing my leg over and *CRACK*, shin hits grab handle. Managing to keep my cool I pull out of the bike park, teeth clenched and tears coming from my eyes. Something about pride coming before a fall springs to mind..... :eek: