Official Non-Spoiler Star Trek Thread

I think it is cool that this will be the first Star Trek movie where the effects where not cut because of budget problems. Maybe that will make it bad because you won't have to use you imagination when you watch it.
So I saw this 2x already. LOVED IT! Even if you guys don't like Star TRek, this movie will be enjoyable. The Enterprise shoots more lasers than all the series combined hahaha. They gave it some balls.
Saw it Saturday night and it was pretty awesome. I'm not a big Star Trek fan and you dont have to be to enjoy this movie. I didn't get a chance to see it in IMAX though, maybe worth another go.

Now I cant wait till Terminator: Salvation! :rockon:
I saw it Saturday in digital projection, and it was awesome. I'm going to see it today with my father at the IMAX, so having seen both I'll let you all know if it's worth the extra 5-6 bucks a ticket. Everything about this movie was perfect, I've never seen a long running franchise film that I couldn't pick apart at least one thing.
Uhura!!!! She is beautiful



Obsess much?:rof:

OK saw the IMAX, honestly save the 5 bucks and see it on a good regular theater. Digital projection if you can(doesn't cost anymore and regal cinema's advertises it)
If you really liked the original Star Trek series, you most certainly will appreciate the new movie. It's a little overrated, but Star Trek deserves it.