Off-duty San Diego police officer shoots the guy trying to steal his bike

Wonder if that cop belonged to the R1 Forum? Wonder what the title of his thread would be?

As far as the thieves, at least one of them got what they deserved, and it wasn't the bike.
Unfortunately you can't shoot to protect property in California, at least as far as I know. But in this case it appeared the thief might been going for some sort of weapon in his jacket, so it was self defense. Good for the cop! I've had too many friends who have had bikes and jeeps stolen.
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I agree that it's not right to shoot someone for theft - the punishment doesn't fit the crime - but I also admit that this story made me smile.

You shouldn't steal other peoples' s**t! Those people might shoot you!

Also, if someone identifies themselves as a cop and has their gun drawn, you need to act very, very carefully in order to NOT get shot.
Good. I am all for shooting someone trying to steal your stuff. Because it is completely preventable. If you do not want to get shot, don't try to steal my stuff. Not rocket science. Heck, even low life theives should be able to understand that logic.

That being said, I likely WOULD NOT do the same, just because I don't want to have to carry another persons death on my conscience if I don't HAVE to. Seeing a battle hardened marine tearing up over people he HAD to kill years before, who were trying to kill him, convinced me of that.
Serves him right. Granted the punishment doesn't fit the crime as previously mentioned, but it still makes me smile a bit.
I personally think the punishment does fit the crime, it is a well known fact that jail doesn't do anything. They get out and go right back to what they were doing. If they get shot they might think a little harder next time. I say shoot their limbs... Don't kill them give them a disability and then add something to their file so they can't collect disability money! I will put it this way, if I got my way the population of the USA would be much less!
Wonder if that cop belonged to the R1 Forum? Wonder what the title of his thread would be?

As far as the thieves, at least one of them got what they deserved, and it wasn't the bike.
He would prolly belong to Dragon Squadron on R1 forum. I'll check see if there's any post but he prolly has to keep it off the forum for now.....

Stealing bikes, cars and doing B & E's is dangerous business! Right or wrong it's hard to call that projectile back!
I would never assume to pass any form of judgment on this police officer. I am a nine year Army veteran, with several oversees tours. The only person that will ever know the entire situation is that officer. Putting your finger on that cold little piece of steal and pulling that trigger is a life changing experience. I hope this officer comes out of this without getting in any trouble, and had full coverage so he can get back on the road.
I think anybody should be able to shoots someone who rear ended you and tried to get away. This guy was so lucky he kept reversing instead of coming towards me. I was armed that day...

[ame=]YouTube - Motorcycle accident with a surprise.[/ame]
I think anybody should be able to shoots someone who rear ended you and tried to get away. This guy was so lucky he kept reversing instead of coming towards me. I was armed that day...

YouTube - Motorcycle accident with a surprise.

This is a little different situation tcmalker. Your guy assaulted you with a deadly weapon (a 2 ton car). These guys were committing theft. No physical harm was done to the officer, except his pride. We both know that given the fact that your guy was trying to get away, that if you opened fire on him, it would be the equivalent of shooting a man in the back. No excuse for that in a court of law. Granted a hit and run is just as bad in my opinion because he didn't know how injured you might be.