North Georgia 1/2 day ride

I was there lol just on my klr though mainly off road stuff but I did hit my favorite road in the world 129 and Embarrassed the hell out of 2 R1s and a fz6r on a frickin 40hp klr 650!!!!
That was fun, glad no one got hurt. Blake was almost hit head on by a cage passing a bicycle of all things. We'll defiantly have to do this again soon!!
Completely different experience from being on the 6 from riding with these bikes, but man was it fun, of course they thought I lost my mind when I said you see those 2 r1s up there....there mine!!! I'm still in shock about it myself, it's that part of 129 "Georgia's dragon" where I ran em down.

But when do y'all plan on going out again
So who wants to try and go this weekend? I really want to go camping this Friday and then ride all day Saturday. Would make for an awesome day. Or at the least Go Saturday morning till mid afternoon. Like Eddie and I did.

Chevy. Could we meet up this week? I have some questions that I wanted to ask in person. Thanks!
My new tire should be here by Wednesday, so yeah I'd love to go seeing how I didn't this weekend like I wanted too!!!

And Blake I'm p'ming you my phone number