New Seat


Junior Member
May 13, 2008
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My new seat just came in from Russell Day long Saddles. I was as giddy as a school boy when I saw the package by my door.:) I immediately ripped the box open and gazed upon the glory that is my day long saddle, nice and wide to accommodate my big butt. I went out and put it on my fz6 and had to go for a ride. It is quite nice and cups the butt wonderfully. I can't wait to get out on a long haul trip to see how it holds up to a couple of hundred of miles. And I know, :needpics:, so here you go.


looks a little out of place on the FZ if you ask me but than again i dont even own one lol, have fun with it man ride safe:thumbup:
If it works for you, that's all that matters...

But the first thought that came to mind when I saw the picture, with that case on the back was...THAT'S JUST WRONG. SO WRONG.
lol i think we should take a vote!

all for the current setup say Aye

all for reverting to stock settup say Nay

good stuff tho man i cant say that i didnt want to try out that seat after looking at your pics looks as comfy as a lazyboy hope you enjoy man:thumbup:
I'm all about comfort and price. Maybe once I get enough money I can get some true saddlebags, but for now this works.
That is a comfy looking seat! Let's face it, I bet people can't really see it when you're on the bike. If it lets you ride and be able to walk at the end of the day, Just Do it! (ahem, I borrowed that from some sports drink company, I think). Enjoy the bike and the new seat.

WHOA!!! What is that thing?? Looks like a prop box Gallagher or Carrot Top might use. Or do you deliver for a chinese restaraunt on the weekends? maybe a magicians box? After pulling a rabbit, a whole flock of doves, several bowling pins and a bicycle out of it, maybe your lovely, scantilly clad hot 22 year-old assistant will pop out with a flash, bang and a puff of smoke:D

Im just busting your chops btw! Seat does look comfy, if a little out of place on the fizzer but as was said before- If it works for you, thats all that matters:thumbup:
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Gotta love the Russell. I had one made for my Venture several years back. It makes all the difference in the world. The traditional seat for the FZ6 may look better to some but the comfort of my backside rates higher with me than what folks think about how my bike looks. Besides, I have serious concerns about someone checking out my butt as I'm riding down the road. :eek: