need advice quick!!

Steer clear of the deal it just squeals dodgy.
Put the $1k into your repairs, and wait til a "no strings" bike comes your way
I just wonder ? He wants to on sell it after only 1 week

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
Alright. Here's the followup.

I meet the guy again and we agree to let each other test the other's bike for the day. I know, big mistake. Anyways, I make us both sign waivers of liability, eg. "I sdawg agree to let dbag squid use my motorcycle for 11/8/11-11/9/11. Any damages/liabilities incurred during this period will be the sole responsibility of dbag squid." I also did a simliar one for his bike. We part ways. Hour later, he says "Alright I want the bike. And I need the money tonight instead of tomorrow". I tell him I can't do that as I am going to bring the r1 to a mechanic to have it checked out after I get off work at 5, and the bank closes at 5. Then I get a sudden text saying "wtf I just went outside and found the bike on the ground" (speaking of, the text is on my phone, it's good evidence). I was fed up with dealing with this jerkoff so I said just bring me my bike back.

when I inspect the damage it's two dents ont he left side of the tank with an inch of paint chipped off. Needless to say, I was ****ING PISSED, and still am. I told him I can't just let him walk away without giving me any sort of reimbursement. He didn't even say sorry until the end after I had logically explained how stupid and shameless he was acting by threatening me and saying he lost the paper he had signed. I told him to do bike for bike since he's broke, or I'll be filing a police report. I reminded him of the contract we signed, and he said "what ****ing contract, show it to me". I "politely" reminded him of the time where I let him into my office and we formulated a legal agreement and both signed each other's "release of liability/damages contract" thing. He says "show me the ****ing paper" again and I say "No, I'm not an idiot you're just going to rip it up" as it was the last piece of evidence I could use if I try and get some sort of action against him.

So this is where you guys come in, what can I do? I had to let him off easy, but I don't plan on letting this go just like that. Can I file a police report? Is it even worth it? He's a senior in high school, and his excuse for when I told him I'd file a police report is that he's a minor. I call bs because he just got a tat and was about to buy a gun. I really want to teach this punk a lesson. Thanks. And i know, I never should have done such a stupid thing as let him test ride the bike for a whole day. Obviously, lesson learned.
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Ow man that sucks sorry to hear that. Unleash the legal fury on this a hole before he changes his phone # n moves.
I meet the guy again and we agree to let each other test the other's bike for the day. I really want to teach this punk a lesson. Thanks. And i know, I never should have done such a stupid thing as let him test ride the bike for a whole day. Obviously, lesson learned.

Sorry sdawg, but it sounds like you'll be sleeping in the bed you made. Every post here was a warning not to. If he is a minor, you probably can't do anything unless you can get his parents. Legally, he can't buy a gun and would deny saying it. As much as it sucks, I think all the lessons learned are going to be on your side of the fence :(

Best of luck though. I really hope you can find a way to get him... naturally, I would only recommend proper legal avenues and wouldn't even imply fixing this in any sort of non-litigious methods... ;)

Just my 2c...
If yall both signd papers then take it up with a lawyer and he or his parents will HAVE to pay for the damages. Honestly i can kinda understand wanting to show him up by what you were doing but with the way he acted before that would have been a red flag to me just to leave it alone. But before fileing a police report make a copy of the paper that he signed and contact a lawyer. Or another option if he really is a minor find out his address or where he lives and just talk to his parents. If he is a minor who is a senior in high school chances are he still lives at home, and maybe his parents are clueless of whats been going on. Hell maybe that r1 is stolen and his parents have no clue he even has it.

Sent from my Pocket Rocket with Tapatalk
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Just keep the r1. Tell him he can have the fz6 with no $1000 (he did say he wanted it; if he doesnt want to go through with that deal tell him he can pay you $1000 to fix your bike). I really hope your legal agreement was a little more detailed than what you posted above. If he is under 18 your contract or liability waiver may be void depending on your state laws. So try to find out his exact age on the date you signed the contract. Maybe you can ask to see his drivers license pretending that you need the correct spelling to get a money order.
I rode it and I liked it a lot. He's now saying $1k plus my xbox and tv. He traded his truck for the bike on nov 2nd and still hasn't received the pink slip in the mail yet. I looked at the ignition and it seemed okay, key worked fine. He did have to change the gas cap out with a lockless kind. One thing to note is that the original owner wired speakers into it. That's pretty cool but I prefer bonestock to start with. Also it had been dropped but it has framesliders.

The reason I'd really consider this trade is because my bike is in a very debatable shape. My registration says "unknown mileage" because the originial speedo broke and I had to replace it. Also, some parts are damaged from the previous owners accident (lowside) but all work fine. For example the killswitch-switch was snapped in half and bypassed, my rear brake lever is bent in a little bit, the front brake lever* is warped forward slightly, rear brake squeaks at times, and radiator welds broke so it's secured by a metal clip screw tightener... other than that it runs like a beast.

His R1 is dreamy, but he's only had it for a week, it's salvage, and he's a bimbo. Until he gets the pink slip we decided we would do bills of sale and hold collateral. I still haven't gotten back to his offer of $1k and xbox/tv.

If he has no title it's a scam. You can not sell anything without a title. Your money will be taken and when someone "finds" the bike it will be reported stolen. Not worth it. The guy I bought my bike from had a similar situation and he got ripped off for $4,000 because it was a stolen bike and a fake title.

EDIT: Looks like you already got scammed. Sorry man but what you did was stupid. HOWEVER, you should have insurance on your bike anyway so just claim it out. Bike insurance is super cheap.
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If the trade doesn't feel right it probably isn't. It appears to me that he's trying to take advantage of you.

Keep your cash and your stuff, there is always another bike.