My pride destroyed


Junior Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Memphis, TN
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So i bought my FZ6 Oct 18th and fell in love with it was seriously the most comfortable sportsbike I've ever ridden on with my height being 6"2.

Then one day i was riding along down the highway going about 55 and some women in her big green monster van decided it would be a great idea to pull out in front of me and then not stop or call anything about it, so i slam on my back brakes and cause my rear wheel to spin out my bike does a 180 flips me off it like a bucking horse and i luckily go flying into the ditch instead of slam into the ground or the car wearing no protective gear besides my helmet, so i do i flip in the air slam the ground and just drag and roll for a bit and wake up what i believe was a few hours later with my bike laying next to me upside down and i somehow walk away with only cracked/major bruised ribs, a hairline fracture in my left shoulder and a lil blood coughed up... and bike destroyed of course but no major mechanical damages which is all that matters in the long run anyway

First 2 pics of the bike are when i bought it and the rest are like 2 weeks after the wreck.
Holy **** man! Glad to hear you're relatively fine! I ****ing hate people like that - karma is a bitch. She's gonna get what is coming to her.

In the meantime, are you buying a new FZ6 or are you looking at other bikes too?
The wreck happened November 18th... exactly one month after i owned the bike what kinda **** is that right lol?

My baby's body was destroyed but her spirit lived on after the wreck i towed it to my house and it wouldn't start so for the hell of it i decided to try out the battery to see if it was dead and it was probably from sitting in the on position after the wreck for a few hours anyway i put a charger on it come back 3-4 hours later and not expecting it to do anything it tried starting but then just quit me thinking well time to scrap it i decided to try it one more time and it tried kinda skipping at first then just cranked up fine kinda shocked and confused i decided to fix her back to running condition which when i bought the bike i could see the previous owner kinda abused the bike badly lots of scuffs and broken fairings latched together by plastic ties and glue and tons of missing screws i wanted to before the wreck to fix er up.

I started inspecting the bike more and then i noticed the taillight and the rear turn signals were out and had to replace them, everything on the left side of the bike broken, destroyed, mangled or missing and every piece of plastic on my bike gone and in pieces (with that itself being $500+) and with the headlight assembly missing i knew this was gonna be a lengthy project... then one day i return to where i crashed to see where i could of died you know all that jazz and all the parts from the wreck were still in the ditched i wrecked in so out of boredom i see what i can find and see what can be salvaged if anything and i find my broken footrest which i could remove the cover off it for my new one and save $15 and just a bunch of unidentifiable parts everywhere and then i see something reflect in the tall grass i go to see it and then out of the blue a weight was lifted off my shoulders a bit... and my wallet i found my headlight assembly laying in mud in perfect condition more or less after it being ripped off a bike after hitting the ground, flying off, etc.

So after all that i replaced all my fairings having to hammer and bend alot of brackets and screw holes for the headlight assembly and the brackets to hold the front cowl up and screwed on i found this forum and started to think why reorder everything stock and decided to find aftermarket parts that replace what i had and i ran across this forum and bought Fz1 handle bars, grips, turn signal mirrors and front flush mount turn signals.

I'm going to post pictures of my bikes current progress so far and sorry for the wall of text xD
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i'm glad your doing ok, the bike is not so bad it can be fixed as you found out! and yes do post pics

never ride again without a jacket and a proper set of pants and boots,
i have grafted my skin quite a few times on the road wearing all the proper gear but a t shirt instead of a jacket and beleive me its not nice. thats the bare minimum you get when not wearing proper gear, in more serious situations full gear can save your life.
Wow! Very glad to hear you walked away from this incident with just minor injuries as that is all that really matters. The fact that teh bike can be salvaged is just an added bonus.
Holy Smokes, So glad nothing major happened when you went down. Unfortunutly there is too many stupid people out there that shouldn't be driving. Her karma will get her some day. What a shame to such a nice looking FZ6. Good luck and all the gear all the time.
Man, that sucks! But I'm glad you made it out alive without too terrible of injuries. I just wrecked my bike too a few weeks ago so I know how you probably feel. Good luck with your repairs and healing!
Same here, very glad to hear you survived the crash with some minor injuries!

Get some protective gear for yourself. Cagers are everywhere and you found out how often they can strike!

Also happy to hear you're putting your bike back together. Please posts pictures when you are finished. Or progress pictures are welcome to.

Good luck.
Good to hear you made it out fairly well. Bruised or cracked ribs is pretty bad on its own but considering you flew off the bike and that's all you got (besides being knocked unconscious) is a gift. I rode without any gear in the beginning and now don't ride without it.

The bike can be fixed. "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster."
Glad you are okay! :rockon:

An important part of any mishap is possibly examining and correcting what brought you to the crash. All of the responsibility is on me regardless of road conditions or other drivers. There is no doubt that people need to take responsibility for there poor driving habits but I am the person most responsible for my life and limb. I must be as impeccable a rider as I can be. I must expect people to be bad drivers. Yes, what the lady did was wrong but isn't it better for you to have the understanding that you would have been in a better position if your speed was different and you could devise a non collision course as well. This will come with experience and/or training. If you're new to to this, get training.
I am always learning.... Be safe and enjoy your riding! :D
Glad to hear you survived. Scary stuff. Needless to say, factor in proper gear in your rebuild budget. Also practice braking with the front. Slamming the rear brake in an emergency is the opposite of what you're supposed to do.
This sounds like a classic example of a inexpereinced rider. You may want to take a safety class or take it again to refresh your memories on what you need to do if this situation ever comes up, and most importantly, what not to do.

Under the conditions you described, you are very lucky to be alive. Remember riding is more mental than physical, you must anticipate things, you must know how, where and what to look for. All crashes is on the rider.

Thanks for posting, hopefully other riders can learn from your thread.
If you're coughing up blood you need to go get checked not sure if you went to the ER or not. Broken ribs can puncture lungs if you're not careful.
Wow, great to hear that you are pretty ok. But like everybody says - ALWAYS wear protective gear. I have learned by misstake not wearing any. And I didn´t even ride my bike. This was when I haved a Honda VTX1300 that I just have been driving. Went inside the house, took my shorts on and went out to the bike. Jumped on it and my leg was touching the exhaust pipe. It burned my leg so badly that I had to go to the hospital. Today 7 years later I still have the mark on my leg, remembering me to always put my bike gear on.
As for the wreck the women pulled out like less than 15ft infront of me and I knew if I had slammed on the front brake my bike woulda flipped on me with not enogh time to slow down and then Eat her car so I just slammed on the back and after the bike started to spin out I knew trying to aim for the ditch would be better than smacking her Car or the asphalt and after that I don't really remember anything besides laying in a ditch with my bike next to me and coughing blood a bit when i stood and I went to the hospital I was like 15-20 min away from one they said the blood was nothing major just something got a god hit when i landed in my stomach area and it should heal with my ribs being in a cast aslong as I don't do any that could strain or pull it.

And I got some new protective gear for when I go riding again some boots gloves and that Icon field armor stuff for just going around town and a riding jacket for highways.