My New Shoei Quest

I purchased the same shoei qwest as vegas rider but in red. I love that helmet, fits like a cloud on my head.
I have one as well. Love it, though it is my first helmet, so I can't compare it. Quiet, good fit, just great. No complaints. None.

Guys, save some money and just buy it in SOLID colors! :tard: Bought mine for $320 from a local dealer, and here it is on Revzilla for $315:

Shoei Qwest Helmet - Solid - RevZilla

As far as any whistling noises go, I don't really notice any except when I have the lever on the left side of the helmet in the furthest forward position (visor just barely open, no "seal" to reduce fogging with visor down)

That lever has 3 positions (from forward to back)
1 - Visor just barely open for fogging (I almost never use it)
2 - Standard closed
3 - Locked down for distance riding so if you wreck, it won't come up on you. Great idea
I have the same helmet in metallic grey or whatever the color is.

It's very comfortable and I found air flow being very good. I don't have problems riding it in 90+ degrees weather. The visor fogs easily, but front vent takes care of it very fast. I like removable cheek pads, placeholders for speakers and weight. It was a good buy.

My wife has Shark RSI and it's missing few features that I like on Quest.
A few people mentioned fogging as a problem.

Yeah, the fogging occurs when it's humid outside, which is quite common where I live.

My Shoei TZ-R (the predecessor to the Qwest) was the same way. I eliminated that issue with a pinlock shield and lens. About $80 well spent.

Shoei CW-1 Shields ::

I was thinking about them, but I can not decide it dark smoke is not too dark and light smoke is not too close to clear one. I'ne never seen them in real life. And what about mellow smoke :confused:
Yeah, the fogging occurs when it's humid outside, which is quite common where I live.

I was thinking about them, but I can not decide it dark smoke is not too dark and light smoke is not too close to clear one. I'ne never seen them in real life. And what about mellow smoke :confused:

Clear with sunglasses for me. Covers all possibilities without having to carry an extra shield. You can see it fogging below the lens after a few seconds, as the original shield would get.

BTW, the pinlock shield will be clear, just the lens will be shaded if you get a non-clear one. I wouldn't care for that frame effect. Another reason for the sunglasses.
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