Motorcyclist shot in back from traffic cop

There is a very good chance that if the rider had been black the case would not have received the same outcry and the conviction/sentencing may not have happened. If the black man had a beard and looked scary the cop would never even have been tried.

That cop should get 50 years so they can make an example of him I mean seriously wtf.....
I'm suprised he didn't just shoot them from the car window, what a loon. Good reason police shouldn't have guns. Attracts these idiots.

"On May 23, 2009, I performed and fulfilled the duties required by my oath of office as an Ohio peace officer for the Village of Ottawa Hills," he said. "…I recognize that Mr. McCloskey's injuries are unfortunate but I did what I was required to do, by law and by my oath of office."

Obviously the police officer didn't read his job description. Note the bold underlined part.
He got picked on in school and developed a hyper-sense of justice which was tied into his own rather low testosterone levels.

Looking at his face he looks like a total douche. Lower calibre of man than the poor bloke who got shot.
He got picked on in school and developed a hyper-sense of justice which was tied into his own rather low testosterone levels.

Looking at his face he looks like a total douche. Lower calibre of man than the poor bloke who got shot.

Sounds like you're reaching a bit there Lonesoldier... neither of us are trained psychotherapists or internal medicine specialists. We have no way of knowing if the officer in question was picked on in school or has low testosterone levels.

What we do know is that he shot a motorcyclist in the back without provocation. The officer was found guilty and will sit a good portion of his life in the prison system for his poor choice.
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There is a very good chance that if the rider had been black the case would not have received the same outcry and the conviction/sentencing may not have happened. If the black man had a beard and looked scary the cop would never even have been tried.


This post is at the top of the page and it bothers me every time I see it.

And I think you are wrong. Something like this would have been grabbed by Sharpton and or Jackson and they would have turned it into a racist act, sued the city, demanded the death penalty and condemned America for slavery again.

For what it is worth, I love seeing black riders. It is the only time I honestly feel zero racism between us because they are riders first. And I'm not a racist guy. But there still is a lot of caution when interacting with other races until I know them on a more personal level. I have black friends and they tell me the same thing. The racism of the past has put up walls that make it hard to completely relax because you never know how the other party is going to interpret what you say/ who you are.
There is a very good chance that if the rider had been black the case would not have received the same outcry and the conviction/sentencing may not have happened. If the black man had a beard and looked scary the cop would never even have been tried.

Lol at the race card graphic.

@ 69withgoats:

(tee hee)

You make a number of valid points and I can't really say I disagree with any of them. That's the thing about the States...the division between black and white is still very strongly felt. The black community is not inclusive of the white population and the white community is not inclusive of the black population. So I understand your sentiments and do not think you feel contempt or hate.

I also know what you mean about bridging the gaps with the common bond of ridership. Sometimes I find myself chatting with some rough looking old white guy on a Harley. We are worlds apart in terms of the lives we live and where we come from. But sharing something in common gives us some common footing to take notice of one another and appreciate the humanity in each other. That's why I think racism will eventually fade away as the youth grow up more and more aware of one another.

But that's the current problem. Because many white people do not share many common experiences with their fellow black people (and vice versa) the two groups do not see how much they share in common.

"There is more that unites us than divides us."

It never fails to amaze me how deep the divide runs south of the border.

As for Al Sharpton and all these guys playing up the case of the fallen rider, they only pick a handful of cases now and again to REALLY blow up in the media. Countless hundreds and thousands of black people do not receive the justice system experience their white counterparts do.

There was a study done of a town in the west coast somewhere, maybe california, maybe elsewhere. The conviction rate of black people brought to trial was 100% over a one year period. There was this gung-ho sherriff that was touted as the town's saviour. This was back in the 80's or 90's. He went on a spree and arrested 10% of the town's black population. Of the ones taken to trial 100% were convicted (many of the rest pled guilty).

A few years ago the town paid out 5 million dollars in restitution to the people who had lost many years off their lives in the town jail (which was a private jail by the way, and employed many people in the town and was funded by the government based on how many prisoners it detained each year). That 5 million dollars was split among hundreds of people, some of whom had spent over 10 years behind bars.

The day the arrests began, there was an article in the local "newspaper" that had a headline entitled something to the effect of:

"Sherriff cleans the garbage off our streets".

Al Sharpton is supposed to champion every single one of these people? And now with the justice system clogged with trials pending, Al Sharpton reviews each and every case?
I typically find it difficult to have an intelegent conversation with someone who reverts to needless name calling. I neither attacked you nor did I make disparaging remarks towards you. I disagreed with you and explained why.
Wow. It was a joke. I was trying to be funny. Trying to lighten the mood via some good natured jest.

Way to disregard a very thought-out message because of some perceived slight......

Lighten up dude.

Disclaimer: By calling you "Dude", in no way, shape, or form am I trying to be offensive.

P.S. You spelt "intelligent" wrong. Just FYI.


@ 69withgoats:

(tee hee)

You make a number of valid points and I can't really say I disagree with any of them.

I thought that would be a very good way of showing that I was about to go on and make a post pretty much agreeing with your sentiments.


P.P.P.S. (YES!) Did you even read my post?

Shame! Shame!
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P.P.P.S. (YES!) Did you even read my post?

Shame! Shame!

Yes I did. But years in business and on forums has taught me to dismiss people once they resort to name calling. Accusing me of bestiality doesn't amuse me, I don't get the least bit of a chuckle out of it and can't see how someone may assume I will. Attempting to continue discussion will only lead to more heated arguments which soon are pointless, cyclic and often simply spiral down to insults. I really don't have the time for that anymore.
Accusing me of bestiality doesn't amuse me

That really is a shame. It was a good natured joke. This could have been a very fruitful discussion.

It is unfortunate I did not account for someone of a sensitive disposition. That is my bad.

If you think I am the sort of person who would take part in a discussion and see it spiral into that typical internet phenomenon known as the "flame war" then you are mistaken.

But, whatever, I have made my points and my opinion known. I am genuinely disappointed to see this discussion cooled down. I enjoy this sort of subject matter.

I really did not mean anything bad by my joke. It was a joke. I am not implying you engage in beastiality I.....I don't even know why I have to explain this.

It was just a funny spin-off of your login name. Seriously.
