moto slang

Honda = boring (just kidding about that..... well about calling them that. Everyone has a Honda so they are boring)
Actually can't think of a nickname for Honda.....
in Poland somebody call his Honda -Madzia
from the name of Magdalena, but I don't know for sure if it is true
Well, here's a few greek ones:

Buy land plot - we say that for the place where someone crashed. He bought that plot last year.

Landholder (greek word implies rich person) - See above. eg. He's got real estate all over the country etc.

Real estate agent - someone that takes people in hard paths (mostly off-road) so they'll buy some plots

Indian - always comes unprepared to a trip and ruins everyones day

cement mixer/truck etc - HUUUGE harleys and goldwings. Trucker is associated with the ownership of these bikes :)

Goat - used sarcastically for starters/off-roaders that can't do much in climbing hills

Loulou - motorcyclist who'll stay home just because he heard rumours of bad weather

Heretic - used by offroaders for racers and vise-versa
thank all for Your posts:)

now I am looking for some links or books (just title and author)
where I can read about motorcyclists culture, lifestyle, everything....
something which can help ohter ppl which don't know motorcycle to understand our passion
thank You Elizabeth...
my work includes two chapters:
1.the culture of motorcyclists
2. ,,,,,and slang
so the second chapter is done....
I can write about "our" lifestyle on my own
but the only problem is that
I have to quote some sources,
it maybe from Internet and of course from books
The World of Motorcycling in the English

how about such title of my work?
I know,,,not so sophisitciated :p
So is your title meaning that it is IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? Or is it the world of English motorcycling (meaning: people from England)?
it doesn't matter about what nationality,
generally about motorcyclists, about our lifestyle, about kinds of motorcycles

I write in English, so that is why IN ENGLISH

thx for that link with books
Bodies in Motion is so cool one:
"Riding makes a point about the uncertainty of life in a cool way"
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I want to know if You use such terms:
flogging in
get off- dropping the motorcycle
tail gunner- the last rider in a group in a motorcycle ride

and how do You call your motobike???

I think I know what you're asking...
Some say "Crotch Rocket", Japanese bikes are also referred to as "Rice Burners"
My "Steed" like a horse.

C'mon people jump in here!