moto slang

and what about such custom: while riding and one rider pass another...
do You greet each other on the road?
We greet each other by raising the left hand
or by nodding when the left hand is holding the cluth

In Australia we mainly nod, but some riders also wave with whichever hand is free.

Not everybody greets other riders though, some people ignore other riders completely (even if they get waved at!), and some people don't like greeting people they don't consider to be proper riders, sometimes because of the bike they ride (ie. most people won't wave at people on a scooter or a cruiser).

In short, most people are really nice, but there's some people who think they're better than everybody else.

Also, I'll let you know if I find any good websites/articles that speak about this topic :)
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it would be more difficult to wave in a country that drives in the left lane, but here in the US usually give a low wave. I on the other hand do not wave low because it makes people look like they are trying too hard to look "hard." GAY So I wave comfortably. And I wave to scooters. They are often more brave than bikers to be riding something so small.
Agreed. This term is also used for people riding in the center (between passenger and driver) seat in front of a pickup truck.

Yep, or as someone earlier pointed out also the backseat of a car/SUV that has a bench style seat and not individual chairs. Basically, anytime you are stuck between two people in an uncomfortable (or the least desirable) vehicle seat is "riding bitch". Fortunately for me, being 6'4" 280 lbs, my friends usually let me ride shotgun...If I'm stuck in the back at all, it's pretty uncomfortable for everyone:D

Although not motorcycle related, one of my favorite vehicle slang phrases is "riding shotgun" and "calling shotgun". Basically, if there are multiple passengers for a vehicle, the person who wants to sit up front in the passenger seat "calls shotgun" but shouting the word "shotgun" as soon as everyone is outside. The act of riding in the front passenger seat is considered "riding shotgun". :)

This is another good one. Almost everyone I know uses this too. My parents even refer to the front seat as riding shotgun sometimes.
In Australia we mainly nod, but some riders also wave with whichever hand is free.

Not everybody greets other riders though, some people ignore other riders completely (even if they get waved at!), and some people don't like greeting people they don't consider to be proper riders, sometimes because of the bike they ride (ie. most people won't wave at people on a scooter or a cruiser).

In short, most people are really nice, but there's some people who think they're better than everybody else.

Also, I'll let you know if I find any good websites/articles that speak about this topic :)

The motorcyclis wave so atus they greet each other ont the road.
Rare at us who does not wave.
"Illa grove canes veins motorcyclis good pepole_nation"
it is funny what I have read once time about OUR waving
ordinary people don't know what are we doing, and they wonder why every riders wave to another.... "do they know each others? How do they recognize each others in this helmets? Maybe they recognize by the motorbikes? " buhahaha
it is funny what I have read once time about OUR waving
ordinary people don't know what are we doing, and they wonder why every riders wave to another.... "do they know each others? How do they recognize each others in this helmets? Maybe they recognize by the motorbikes? " buhahaha

My old helmet was know on which "T" /learing motorcyclist/ there was a sign, but 1000-km down was foun. Like this my enigne on the holder of packet pus elf yes.;)
But for somebody who he has a crying sticer, you are his other frigure enigne. Like this if acquaintance easly up knowable his enigne.
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I am totally lost. Magda, do you know what lokottke said? Can you translate his broken English?
I won't say anything because I am also learning English
but he could try to write it once again :thumbup:
How is my Eng?
Thank You, don't You exaggerate a little bit?
Do You learn Italian? Cool, I can only count in Italian.I can only count in Italian, and my kids too.
Let's back to the topic ..
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French... it is the one lg that I don't want to learn
but I love French movie "TAXI" it is so cool funny
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I think most of the slag I have known have been touched on here in the thread already. Other than ATGATT which isn't a slang but an acronym meaning All The Gear All The Time.

As far as life style goes you could add a part about Motorcycle Clubs (MC). There are a lot of things that go into a MC with the way they have new members join known as Prospects, and full members sometimes indicated by the patch and top rocker on their leather or denim vest. When they first started out they kinda gave motorcyclists a bad name because they were out laws and rebels who didn't care about anyone who was out side of their MC. Those were known as the 1%ers because they only accounted for 1% of all motorcyclists. There is a TV series out called Sons of Anarchy which is about a MC and the stuff they do.

I know not all MCs are bad there are a few that are very patriotic and try to help people as well. Most have rules for who can apply to be a member like military service or the type of motorcycle they ride. I was looking into one but they said you had to have a motorcycle that was a 750cc or bigger.

I hope that helps some.
I found such quotation:

Riding a motorcycle is like brushing your teeth. You should do it twice a day.

what about sth else, do You know more?
I found such quotation:

Riding a motorcycle is like brushing your teeth. You should do it twice a day.

what about sth else, do You know more?