Motivational Posters for those who love bikes

Got to love the GSX-R one! :D

Reminds me of a friend back in the UK, who in the space of 2 weeks;

Drove a Ducati Monster up a ramp in his back yard intending to put it in his shed, only to *seriously* over rev (he still claims the throttle stuck open), and do an 'Evil Knievel' through the patio doors of his house into his lounge, stopping next to his wife who was watching TV...

The next week convinced said wife to go 2 up with him on a 'romantic' bike tour... He took the M4 motorway, messing up a gear change, accidentally pulling a wheelie on the slip road. He chatted to her for about 20 mins before realising she was no longer on the back... he found her *very* pissed off on the side of the motorway, and didn't talk to him for 10 days.

A week later 3 of us went out for a ride. Me on my GSX-R, a friend on a Hornet, and the friend on his 'faithful' Ducati. We upped the pace a little, but as I never rode fast it wasn't even anywhere near the speed limit or anything... We reached a perfect sweeping bend, I leaned in, adjusted in my seat, put on a little more gas. The front tightened up and I sailed round without danger, same for the friend on the Hornet... A few mins later I didn't see the 'Red Baron'/'The Fall Guy' as he was now known, in my mirrors... Turns out, before the corner, he thought he would never make it (even at 45mph), and decided to take evasive action... I kid you not. He looked ahead, and saw a farm gate - an escape route. What he didn't see was the Tractor the other side laying fencing...

To this day, and I *SO* wish I had it on video... he rode *up* a piece of fencing that was laid against the gate, and by all accounts achieved about 5 seconds of air... ending up perfectly upright, up to his knees in newly spread manure in a field, where I found him, and nearly dropped my bike from laughing so hard.

Funnily enough, he sold the bike soon after...

Either one of these would have made the *perfect* poster. :squid:
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You call these motivational posters? Where are the kittens??? Motivational posters are supposed to have cute, cuddly, adorab... aw, forget it!


Seriously, though. All of those were pretty good. I liked the one about Ducati making mechanics out of riders since 1946.

