Man Down!..........Medic!!


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Jul 15, 2008
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Ok, so I drove my truck to work today because my chain is so dirty that I want to clean it before I ride again.
Anyways, I was driving along and right as a semi drives past me I hear a loud smash on the top of my truck. When I got to work I checked it out and there was a huge dent right above the windshield. It actually made a tear in the metal. Luckily it didn't hit the windshield or it would have gone through. It must have been a large screw or something.
I can't help but think what would have happened it that hit me on my bike and the object hit my face shield. Im sure it would have went right through my face shield.
So.....Im wondering if anyone has ever been hit with anything while on their bike? (I mean something big, not just being sprayed with a little gravel)
I hit a bird once. A long legged bird about 3 feet tall.

Back in the early 80s I had a Honda CB400N. I was on my way home from work around 1am and was riding in the suburb near my home when I spotted this bird walking into the road. I slowed down and the damned thing took off, straight up. It hit me on the chest and left arm, pulling my hand off the bars and nearly causing a crash.

When I got home I saw that the bike and I were covered in big bird poop and next morning I had a nice bruise.
Years ago I was riding my KZ1000 through Trabuco Canyon. I was in a turn and there was a truck coming in the opposite direction. I heard a loud pop and saw the rock that got pinched by a tire. It was about 1 inch by 3 inches like a little UFO. I could see it headed right for me and it was arching like a curve ball. I counter steered harder but only had so much room. Between my speed and the oncoming rock speed it was a very painful experience after hitting me right inside of knee cap. My knee was like a balloon by the time I got home.:eek:
I got hit by a large square sheet of thin metal once.
My wife and I where riding back from Melbourne on my GPZ1000rx with the trailer in tow when we caught up to a semi trailer.
I went to overtake and just as I pulled out I saw the sheet on the road,the wind from the truck lifted it and it came spinning at us like a frisbee !

I tried to pull back in but didn't quite make it and it clipped my boot .Thinking all was well I continued on but after a while my foot was starting to ache so I pulled over.
The sheet had sliced through my boot ! Looking at the bike it,it had continued on and scratched the swingarm then hit the towbar and then the trailer and completely remove the reflector !

Glad it wasn't head high when it hit.
Yowser that was a nasty crash. I HATE forest rats.

Hit a carpenter bee on the cheek while wearing an open faced helmet. Those buggers are marbles with wings.

No more open faced helmets for me.
The worst thing that ever hit me on the road was one of the biggest, juiciest bugs I'd ever encountered. My fizzer and I were tearing up some beautiful twisties in my area when I noticed this big black thing coming straight at me. I noticed too late and the bug flew *SPLAT* right onto my face shield (I could hear a distinct squish from inside the helmet even over the wind and engine noise of going 60mph). The bug guts spread out over an impressive surface area and wiped out nearly half my vision! I had to pull over to wipe off the bug's remains and to thank the gods that my visor had been closed at the time of impact...

I also nearly ran into a strange blue roll of something on the freeway today- about 3ft wide and 1.5ft in diameter (my best guess). The wind from a truck in front of me rustled it to life and brought it dancing out into the lane right in front of me. I managed to swerve into another lane and avoid it, but only barely...
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I hit a bird once. A long legged bird about 3 feet tall.

Back in the early 80s I had a Honda CB400N. I was on my way home from work around 1am and was riding in the suburb near my home when I spotted this bird walking into the road. I slowed down and the damned thing took off, straight up. It hit me on the chest and left arm, pulling my hand off the bars and nearly causing a crash.

When I got home I saw that the bike and I were covered in big bird poop and next morning I had a nice bruise.

LOL, That's unbelievable!
I had a black lab jump between the rear of my front wheel and the motor. I didn't crash but really messed the dog up. The owner and his 6 year old son saw the whole thing, I felt terrible.
i was travelling about 30 mph through a residential section of town one day when some punk kid threw a golfball at me as i rode by. ball hit my face shield directly and split it from top to bottom. so lucky it did not go through. i slammed on brakes and accelerated back towards him just to watch him scurry towards his front door like a little girl.
i got whacked in the face shield by a few bumblebees. it sounded like someone hit me in the helmet with a tree branch. what worries me the most around here are groundhogs. they run right out of the brush by the side of the road, and man, if a big one were to meet my front tire, i'd fly off that thing like an olympic diver.