locking it up at 70mph

It's amazing how easy it is to lock up the rear; you don't really have to try. Of course, if one isn't tailgating this will greatly help. But then, there's the idiot behind you tailgating so you have to open up even more distance between you and vehicle in front. There are two types of tailgating: the one in stadium parking lots and the not-so-fun one. I haven't had my emergency braking yet on the FZ and ...I'm not looking forward to it (maybe I should though).
Great save! Glad you're OK..! :thumbup:

It's really easy to lock the rear tire in an emergency stop due to the weight transferring to the front of the MC... that's why you want to squeeze the front harder, harder, harder while you ease up on the rear.

I also adjust the rear brake pendal downward a little from the stock position so that I have to rotate my foot more to apply the rear rake. I think it gives me more control and is harder to lock up...

It's also a great idea to practice emergency braking at various speeds progressively braking harder and harder... being able to use the front brake effectively may save your life.

If the rear locks, your best to just ride it out, but if the front starts to lock ease up or your'll be on the ground.
LOL well thats your opinion. Yes it was part due to my skill which i practice everyday because I never know when I'll need it. BUT, i also believe in GOD and that he helped me.

Glad you are okay:rockon:
dude its good to hear you made it out ok.... i went through something similar just the other day.... i was doing about 72-73 and a woman merged into my lane. i ended up kicking her window from the break down lane..... she saw me then! just remember that even though you are reflective car drivers have a good chance of not seeing you.