Lifting weights and manhandling your bike

My wife and I started P90X at 50 years old and it is a great all around program you can do at home. I'm no monster, but am in decent shape. Modify the workouts to your abilities, stick with it and watch your fitness and endurance grow. I have two bad knees, a horrible neck, a bad disc in my back and troublesome shoulders. The workout doesn't cure them, but it makes all of me better able to compensate for my 52 year old body. Was 178lbs when I started, got down to 163lbs after first year and am happy at 169 lbs now. I'm 5'11" tall.

Do something. Getting older is hard on the body and the brain doesn't keep pace. Still think like a kid. Can't get too old to play.
post a video of your form if you are worried about it, 190lb isn't too bad if you've just started out :)

Thanks. Form is a bit ragged, but improving.

My wife and I started P90X at 50 years old and it is a great all around program you can do at home. I'm no monster, but am in decent shape. Modify the workouts to your abilities, stick with it and watch your fitness and endurance grow. I have two bad knees, a horrible neck, a bad disc in my back and troublesome shoulders. The workout doesn't cure them, but it makes all of me better able to compensate for my 52 year old body. Was 178lbs when I started, got down to 163lbs after first year and am happy at 169 lbs now. I'm 5'11" tall.

Do something. Getting older is hard on the body and the brain doesn't keep pace. Still think like a kid. Can't get too old to play.

That's awesome. I'm seeing quite a few articles out there on weight training to reduce the impact of aging:
BBC News - Testosterone: Can it make you live longer?

I'm on the lookout for a squat rack and hopefully I can find something that will work for the bench press as well.
I tried the bench press with jack stands. Didn't work. They slide and tip over.

I tried with rhino ramps. They work fairly well but still not entirely safe and no good for squats.

Time to get the right equipment:
[ame=] PowerLine PPR200X Power Rack: Sports & Outdoors[/ame]

I'm with Prime so free shipping :D
One thing people tend to forget (and consequently omit) is that you must work on flexibility and mobility, as well as strength training.

The main thing people lose as they get older is flexibility, so you must stretch with your weight training.

Because apart from building muscle mass you will also be stronger over a wider range of movement, and will be less likely to suffer injuries while training.
One thing people tend to forget (and consequently omit) is that you must work on flexibility and mobility, as well as strength training.

The main thing people lose as they get older is flexibility, so you must stretch with your weight training.

Because apart from building muscle mass you will also be stronger over a wider range of movement, and will be less likely to suffer injuries while training.

Yes, stretching is a good idea. Cramping while doing weighted squats sucks balls.

Benched 140 and deadlifted 200 yesterday. Mostly due to refining form and technique rather than big strength gains.

The FZ6 is getting lighter. Looking fwd to getting the power rack.
Still waiting on the rack. Still lifting with what I've got. :eek:
