Lets talk NFL !!! **May contain spoilers**

I became a Saints fan because I am from Louisiana they SUCKED!! and I got mad everytime I heard them being trashed by a fellow La. resident Cowboy fan!! once the got on a winning streak alot of Cowboy fans converted and Pi$$ed me OFF!! I hate band wagon fans!!

I hate band wagon fans too. Most people of La. turned their back on the Saints and jumped to Jerry's World and when playoffs didn't happen for many many many years and Sean Payton saved NOLa...well, you know.

Truly, my heart will always lie with "Luv 'Ya Blue". Bud Adams turned his back on Houston and when they moved in 1997 to be the Tennessee WTF's, I was devastated. Being an 11 year old and really following football, I began supporting the next closest team in the state of Texas.

Yes, geographically NOLa is closer; I just liked supporting a team that was staying put until the end of time.

That is why I will always be a Cowboys fan (even if they've had terrible seasons)
LOL, Dan I became a Real Football fan myself because of the Video games!! LOL thats how I learned who the players were!! :BLAA: I watched with my Dad as a very young boy but I realy did,nt recognize anyone other than the Super Stars,it's a very in-depth game with alot of stratodgy once you get into it!! and I became a Saints fan because I am from Louisiana they SUCKED!! and I got mad everytime I heard them being trashed by a fellow La. resident Cowboy fan!! once the got on a winning streak alot of Cowboy fans converted and Pi$$ed me OFF!! I hate band wagon fans!!

Thats why I love the game so much , its all about the strategy :thumbup: people who dont like dont understand it, My brother was like that , tilll I sat there with him one day & explained each play & why they were doing what they were doing & he has loved it ever since :cheer: Even if he did become a Raiders fan :shakehead:
3 live games into Australia & no Packers :( Ohh well , at least he won :D

We had the Saints/Bears first up this morning & all I can say is to my Bear friends...... its going to be a looooong season :(

Then we had the Patriots/Chargers , I was rootin' for the Chargers just because I dont like Brady ;)... I had to have a giggle at the Pats punter when he was injured , guy only plays maybe a minute of football a year & he went down like a sack of potatoes :BLAA: :justkidding:

Now im sitting here watching the Eagles/Falcons.......... Which bird will come away chickens I wonder ???? :D
Current Packers are making me forget about the Packers of the 70's and 80's. Both the Vi-Queens and Bears lost, but the Lions won. What the heck? My Minneapolis friends won't talk football or baseball with me this year (Brewers a little better than the Twins) and my son's girlfriend is a Chicagoan with a slender sense of humor about the Bears and Cubs. Collins appears to be OK; no major in jury. Can we stop the pass next week against the Bears? Red zone defense was pretty good today, but it would be nice not to need it. Hope you can get the game in Australia next week. "Perfection is unattainable, but if we strive for perfection we can attain excellence." St. Vincent Lombardi of green Bay.
The Packers defense hasn't looked all that special this year, but they have made the big plays when needed. Two weeks in a row they have made Fourth and goal stands to seal the game. I don't care if they give up 400 yards every game if they win them all!! Go Pack Go!!:cheer::cheer:
Well our Bears are back to reality after being thumped by New Orleans. I suspect the Pack will do the same next week. Still rooting for the home team, but not very optimistic!

Go Bears!(?)
GB-CHI: Cutler is never ever prepared to handle Dom Capers defense. Packers have won the last 4 of 5 from them and will extend to 5 of 6.

And on my Cowboys: 49ers are a really talented team and things will shine for them this year, glad my team could pull it out at the end. If they sideline Felix, then Tashard Choice & Phillip Tanner might get an opportunity to provide a balanced running attack against Washington. Rex will embarrass Redskin fans globally.
Well we got the Pack live over here this week :cheer: & im very happy with the result :D

There was some really good games this week & I think the Colts did really well without Payton :thumbup: I see the Viqueens choked again :BLAA: & well the Rams :( whats going on there ?? C'mon Sambo old mate , your way better than that :D
Packers don't play the Lions until week 12 - are the Lions for real? I can't believe they could be, but wierder things have happened. I don't see any Packer losses on the remainder of the schedule. (Purposefully provocative taunt.) What a legacy I have - my birthright as a native Wisconsinite! I lived through the 60's Pack, the 70's and 80's Pack, and the New Pack. 10 years of joy, 20 of despair, and 20 of contentment. I prefer contentment.
Ok so i thought i'd have a look at a bit of nfl..uuumm sorry but its something i think i'll give a miss too.What is the surface made of??? Is it astroturf???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPLbiROT220&feature=related]Packers vs Steelers 2011 Super Bowl 45 Highlights - YouTube[/ame]
Ok so i thought i'd have a look at a bit of nfl..uuumm sorry but its something i think i'll give a miss too.What is the surface made of??? Is it astroturf???

Packers vs Steelers 2011 Super Bowl 45 Highlights - YouTube

Yes, that's astroturf. There's been a lot of discussion about that particular field. The owner put MILLIONS of dollars into the stadium, and seemingly skimped out on the field. People are saying it's pretty cheap, and LOTS of people have been slipping on it.
I'm not one to spout out and talk smack, but after 11 years of pathetic football, I have to say:


04fizzer I went to the game vs the Pats last Sunday, without a whole lot of hope, to be quite honest lol. After what, 15 straight losses vs the Pats?

What a frickin' game. After 21-0, it wasn't looking too promising! 21-10 going into the half wasn't too bad considering they almost put another 7 up on us just before halftime. I was so happy Jackson didn't score with 1:45 or whatever left, because that's like 3 days for Tom Brady, even if he didn't have timeouts. I was one of the few Bills fans cheering when they said he DIDN'T score lol. After hearing all the Pats fans around me with their snide remarks all game long, it was nice to shove double middle fingers in their faces at the end if the game. :Flip: My ex was a bandwagon Patriots fan, so I have a great dislike of them. :D

I'd like to see our D keep the score down on the other side of the ball, because I'm not too confident our offense can keep this up week in and week out. I still don't believe we're truly a playoff caliber team, but damn this season has been exciting to watch so far! :iconbeer: cheers!
I will be attending the Cowboy/Lions game this Sunday at Cowboys Stadium. I have been invited by our aircraft manufucturer (Eurocopter) to watch the game from their VIP Suite! Since I have to attend their three day helicopter syposium begiining on Monday, I'm flying out this morning so I can catch the game. Perfect timing.

I will post pictures when I return.
04fizzer I went to the game vs the Pats last Sunday, without a whole lot of hope, to be quite honest lol. After what, 15 straight losses vs the Pats?

What a frickin' game. After 21-0, it wasn't looking too promising! 21-10 going into the half wasn't too bad considering they almost put another 7 up on us just before halftime. I was so happy Jackson didn't score with 1:45 or whatever left, because that's like 3 days for Tom Brady, even if he didn't have timeouts. I was one of the few Bills fans cheering when they said he DIDN'T score lol. After hearing all the Pats fans around me with their snide remarks all game long, it was nice to shove double middle fingers in their faces at the end if the game. :Flip: My ex was a bandwagon Patriots fan, so I have a great dislike of them. :D

I'd like to see our D keep the score down on the other side of the ball, because I'm not too confident our offense can keep this up week in and week out. I still don't believe we're truly a playoff caliber team, but damn this season has been exciting to watch so far! :iconbeer: cheers!

That's awesome. My mother-in-law and her boyfriend were there too. Color me jealous! Really that game was the modern version of finally beating Miami in 1980. I haven't been to a game in a few years, mostly due to the lack of $$. I live about 15 minutes form St. John Fisher College, so I get to see training camp to some degree every year.

I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic, but boy am I enjoying the ride!
I'm not usually able to brag about where I live, but the Badgers, Packers, and Brewers are making the slide into Fall and Winter a little better. BTW, how does an Aussie come to have the Packers as a clear obsession? Humperdinckle (prob spelled wrong - sorry), you're a long way from the Frozen Tundra. Packers whomped the Broncos, but I'd like to see a stiffer defense.
I'm not usually able to brag about where I live, but the Badgers, Packers, and Brewers are making the slide into Fall and Winter a little better. BTW, how does an Aussie come to have the Packers as a clear obsession? Humperdinckle (prob spelled wrong - sorry), you're a long way from the Frozen Tundra. Packers whomped the Broncos, but I'd like to see a stiffer defense.

I did explain it a while ago but long story short , it goes back to the first game I ever saw :thumbup:

You right about our early season defence , it is a little hit & miss at the moment & im hoping it will tighten over the next few weeks.....

Now if we could just get Aussie boy Bogut & the Bucks to fire you'll be one happy Wisconsinite :D :rockon:
Won it all in 1971 in their third season - fastest an expansion team has ever done it. Bucks have been flirting with really good basketball the past several years. We love Bogut here; hard working boy playing the way he should. Hope he stays healthy. We'll even forgive him for playing for the Sydney Kings for a few months. Lock out has me ignoring basketball until they work it out and my irritation wanes. Bucks have a great legacy here. Lew Alcindor, Big O Oscar Robertson, Jon McGlocklin, Bobby Dandridge, Junior Bridgeman, Bob Lanier (met him once) - that was fun to watch. Fear the Deer! Pro basketball isn't as good as college, especially the NCAA tournament. That's incredible basketball.
Won it all in 1971 in their third season - fastest an expansion team has ever done it. Bucks have been flirting with really good basketball the past several years. We love Bogut here; hard working boy playing the way he should. Hope he stays healthy. We'll even forgive him for playing for the Sydney Kings for a few months. Lock out has me ignoring basketball until they work it out and my irritation wanes. Bucks have a great legacy here. Lew Alcindor, Big O Oscar Robertson, Jon McGlocklin, Bobby Dandridge, Junior Bridgeman, Bob Lanier (met him once) - that was fun to watch. Fear the Deer! Pro basketball isn't as good as college, especially the NCAA tournament. That's incredible basketball.

Im really hoping Andrew is still playing for the Kings when they venture up to the Gold Coast & play the Blaze , im Sydney born & bred but live in Brisbane so i'll go down the Gold Coast to watch him :rockon: Either that or I will visit family & catch him at a Kings home game :thumbup: Nothing beats the Kingdome for atmosphere in the NBL :D

I keep a close eye on all the Aussie's in the NBA natually but im a rock solid Spurs man ;)
We (Aussies) got the replay of the Skins/Rams game today................ Well that was just terrible for the Rams , I feel for their supporters :( that defence is just weak plain & simple :shakehead: You gotta learn to protect Sam & fast , he was sacked 7 times :eek: thats awful , to make it worse he has been sacked 18 times this season :shakehead: :spank: :spank: