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Jul 30, 2007
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Adelaide,South Australia
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Just a heads up to all the South Oz guys with aftermarket or modified pipes,the coppers are at it again.Seems to be aimed more at cruisers and Harleys at the moment but my guess is it won't be too long before they start on the rest of us.

The following is a direct quote from the motorcycle section in todays Advertiser:

Attention all Harley riders including cruisers.S.A police are targeting your rides and defects are being issued without due cause.Know the law and protect your rights and freedoms and pass this info on.
Apparently the tests are not being carried out in accordance with the law.
Follow link to know the law on noisy pipes.
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Crap, Big Brother is everwhere.

I keep telling my boys fun is becoming against the law.

It's always been against the law. This kind of stuff goes in waves. They'll try to clear out all the illegal pipes, then they'll move on to something else, and in 5 years they'll come back to it.

Plus it's an easy way to get money flowing for the struggling local governments.
It's always been against the law. This kind of stuff goes in waves. They'll try to clear out all the illegal pipes, then they'll move on to something else, and in 5 years they'll come back to it.

Plus it's an easy way to get money flowing for the struggling local governments.

True,earlier this year it was fender kits !
Man, it seems like the Aussie Cops like to bust balls?

I can't remember how many times on motorcycle blogs hearing of the Aussie Cops bustin on mods!
Crap, Big Brother is everwhere.

I keep telling my boys fun is becoming against the law.

They don't call 'em the Funstoppers For

Thanks for the heads up mate.:thumbup:

I got pulled over last night at a bretho and cannot complain of my treatment. They were polite and friendly and performing a service. Good on 'em:thumbup:.

It's when the time wasting and attitude starts that i can't handle it:rolleyes:.

But if I'm to consider myself a fair minded individual I need to be just as vocal in my support of the good as my condemning of the bad.

With a stock bike these "road safety" blitzes don't mean much to me:Flip:.

I'd like to see them target more dangerous, and less nuisance things though:spank:.

have got a feeling the reason they are targetting harley's is because of the anti-bikie blitz which is currently big news in SA...and most probably all over Australia after recent events at Sydney airport...cos have to be seen to be on the job, especially when the media is highlighting an issue that shocks middle Australia...

I do think though, that it does give them an excuse to pull anyone over with loud pipes...might be time to put the baffles in our pipes for a while anyway, just to be safe.

I am convinced that loud pipes do help motorcyclists that are generally "invisible" on our roads, be noticed, and as such, seen...

I just suppose this targetting is all a part of being a minority road user..minority groups are easy to target, especially when "joe average" sees anyone that rides a bike as an outlaw of sorts...whether that be for reasons of jealousy, or as a result of the hoon minority that exists amongst the biker ranks, which unfortuneatly, just gives "joe average" just reason in their narrow minded thinking to brand us all as "evil", which in turn gives the police justification to target those of us who choose to modify our bikes.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Time to put the dB killers back in... Just for a couple of weeks :(

We're an easy target, and as you said, the cops need to be "seen doing something about it".

Less than expected out today. They went out earlier than usual today to try and catch folk out, but you have to get up pretty darned early to outsmart the great Australian

We managed quite a decent ride, covering a good 300+ km (well for me at least) and pretty much all of it in the twisties. I saw 4 cops on bikes and a car doing a bazillion km/h heading in the direction of a lot of smoke, followed by the CFS (country fire service). I hope it's nothing major.

Did a 200km ride today through the hills up to barossa and back throuigh williamstown, didnt see a single cop. Left at 8.00 and back home at 12.00
got told last night, that the police went into K&M Motorcycles, (local harley dealer) and defected every single secondhand bike in the shop! Now you would think that this is more than "pro-active" , more so provocative...and more so to do with the SA governments current war against outlaw bikie gangs, and the bikes they ride...I think the message is pretty clear!

As for the police having a high presence in the hills today, that would be more a reaction to 4 bikers being killed in the last 4 weekends in the hills!

I too rode through twisty central (Adelaide hills) late this afternoon, and did not see one other bike, or any police for that matter, am guessing both groups had pretty much retired for the day...

It makes perfect sense that the police are out in the mornings, as that's when most if us ride through the hills,as there are less cagers about to ruin our "run" through the twisties...

Is a pity that some of us can't ride within our own personal limits, as well as observing basic common sense...and I am not saying that I have not been guilty of riding a little harder than I should in the past, but I will say that a lot of the accidents are a result of poor riding ability, lack of adequate training before riders are let loose on high po bikes, crazy, ignorant, poorly skilled car drivers, and bad road design.

Is also a Pity that the police can't do something about addressing these issues, as well as having a highly visible presence on the roads, cause if they did, they may have to spend less time harrasing law obiding bikers who are being singled out because of a lack of decent policy, and intelligent responses to the situation of people getting killed.

There will always be tools that are their own, as well as everyone elses worst enemy...but more can be done to prevent it, other than bullying.

Am very glad I now have a track bike, only about 4 people have been killed on the track in Australia in the last 10 years, 1000's have been killed on the roads.