Japanese Relief

No worries Dave, a worthy cause.

Absolutely devastating footage of the earthquake and subsequent Tsunami. The sad thing, Japan has the strictest building codes in the world, most building survived the earthquake, but there's nothing you can do to restrict the damage from a wall of water.

We almost need a "World Events" section with all the crap going on these days.

I hope any of you that have family/friends in Japan, that they are safe.

I still haven't been able to find any organisations taking non-cash donations or looking for volunteers to help so if any of you see anything in the media or run across any yourselves, please let me know.
Thanks David, The videos coming out of Japan are pretty scarry. :eek: Mother Nature is sure awesome. My prayers go out to all the people effected by this sad natural event.
There are definitely some very disturbing images coming out of Japan at the moment. I hope the worst is over for them.
It's going to take them quite some time to get everything cleaned up, and everything sorted out. Hopefully nature leaves them alone for some time now! Seems like every few years they get hit with some nasty quakes, but this is by far the worst in some time. Just imagine, getting hit with a massive quake, followed by massive flooding! Two major disasters one right after the other. Terrible, just, terrible.
I'm a member on Japanforum.com, we have a thread just for disaster updates, and a list of relief aid donation sites.

I'm going back to Japan at the end of May, I want to help with the recovery while I'm there.:thumbup:
Definitely a crappy situation for all of those people in the effected areas. First the earthquake that was the largest that country has ever seen.. Then the tsunami which screwed up stuff even more. And to top it off, their reactor fuel rods are overheating since the back up cooling systems were flooded/ damaged and have radiation soaking into the towns and cities around them.

Thats one hell of a challange.. God Bless all of Japan and everyone involved with trying to help them out. Theyve got a long road to recovery ahead, and they still have huge obstacles ahead of them that they need to tackle.

Its crazy how many of them are pushing through in the cold without food, water or adequate shelter. :(
It is almost a year ago this month that I was in Tokyo, what a wonderful place and what wonderful people live there. I feel so sorry for what they are going through, it is very tough to watch what is going on there and I can only imagine how tough it is for them to go through what they are going through. They are strong, respectful and honorable people and they will pull through this.