Jane Fonda or Jessica Lange?



I happened to be in country (Vietnam) when Jane Fonda pulled her now famous antics and to this day I still think she is a traitor. Today. as I read my Sunday paper I see Jessica Lange shooting her mouth off to a graduating class commencement at Sarah Lawrence College. Apparently she felt it was the proper place and time to bash the Bush administration and compare the war in Iraq to that of Vietnam. She said, " We are living in an America that, in the last seven and a half years, has waged an unnecessary war, established prison camps, condoned torture, employed corporate armies, eliminated the right of habeas corpus, practiced extraordinary rendition, and believe me, this is only a partial list."

To this is say, is that all? If it were me, what she has seen in the last seven years would be child's play because in war, I am not nice and I have zero compassion for my enemy of those that would support that enemy. At present, there are all sorts of troops putting their lives on the line and they get to read things like this. from people whose freedom they are protecting Personally I think they need to give Hollywood folks like Lange an M-16 and a one way ticket to the real show. At that time there may be hope she and others like her would understand what it's all about. I know, maybe we could just talk to them right???
I happened to be in country (Vietnam) when Jane Fonda pulled her now famous antics and to this day I still think she is a traitor. Today. as I read my Sunday paper I see Jessica Lange shooting her mouth off to a graduating class commencement at Sarah Lawrence College. Apparently she felt it was the proper place and time to bash the Bush administration and compare the war in Iraq to that of Vietnam. She said, " We are living in an America that, in the last seven and a half years, has waged an unnecessary war, established prison camps, condoned torture, employed corporate armies, eliminated the right of habeas corpus, practiced extraordinary rendition, and believe me, this is only a partial list."

To this is say, is that all? If it were me, what she has seen in the last seven years would be child's play because in war, I am not nice and I have zero compassion for my enemy of those that would support that enemy. At present, there are all sorts of troops putting their lives on the line and they get to read things like this. from people whose freedom they are protecting Personally I think they need to give Hollywood folks like Lange an M-16 and a one way ticket to the real show. At that time there may be hope she and others like her would understand what it's all about. I know, maybe we could just talk to them right???
I guess rightly or wrongly she is also entitled to freedom of speech?
War is an issue that you will never have everyone agree on.
In an ideal world we would all support our troops if our elected governments deemed that war was necessary. What has she got to gain by saying such a volitile statement? There is always an agenda.

The problem with people like that is quite simply
Its impossible to use reason to argue someone out of a position they did not use reason to arrive at.


You will get a kick out of this website.


If you start on the left with the Zombietime Hall of Shame you will get a great idea of whats up with these folk. NSFW NSFC.

This events take place in public and children are exposed to them, but sensible people will not allow their children to view this site.

If you read the DailyKos you would probley want to take a skip on these.
Nelly, you're going to find that the first thing that goes out the window nowadays here in America is freedom-of-speech.

You don't like the war? Don't say anything, because if you do, you don't support the troops.

Don't like the President? Keep your mouth shut because anything that sounds like dissent only bolsters the enemy.

Hav, I respect your service more than you'll ever know and you have my eternal thanks for everything you and your brothers did for this country. But this IS one of the things our troops are fighting for...so people like Jessica Lange can shoot their mouths off. That doesn't mean they (the people shooting their mouths off) don't pay consequences. BUT, it also doesn't mean that they don't support the troops. I get so sick of people in this country today equating dissent with a lack of support for our soldiers. THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE. You can (and should) disagree with your government anytime you feel they're doing something that's not right. It doesn't mean your viewpoint is the right one...only that you disagree.

I hate this ****ing war. I've been against it from day one. I thought we should've done to Afghanistan what we've done to Iraq. We should've never been in Iraq. But in all my disagreements with this administration, and particularly this President, NOT ONCE have I (or would I, for that matter) said something derogatory about one soldier. They didn't choose the battle they're fighting, unless you're talking about them volunteering for this ****. They've all done something that I'm too chicken**** to do...give up their lives so that the rest of us can run around shooting our mouths off or riding our bikes on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. These men and women (every last one of them) are HEROES. And part of what makes them heroic is the fact that they fight and die everyday in this godforsaken war so that people like Jessica Lange can act like assholes (in some people's opinion).
She can sit on my Rhino and go trigger IEDs.

As far as not being in Iraq, the last 15 year of rushings to the border whenever Saddam placed troops on the Kuwait/Saudi border was getting pretty old. Remember the "No Fly Zone" and "Oil for Food"? Oil for Food built Sadam $15 billion in new palaces and go the Iraqi people nothing.

If we had not invaded Iraq we would still be doing the no-fly zone and having 20,000 plus troops in the Kuwait area.

The war ain't perfect however it is not nearly as a bad as the news makes it out.

Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are doing an OUTSTANDING job. After the 12 months I was there, my take is the Iraqis need to sort it out. IFthe US left you would see tens of thousands killed in several months.

As far as the individual Soldier, most are motivated to be there.

My .02.5 cents.
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Hav, I respect your service more than you'll ever know and you have my eternal thanks for everything you and your brothers did for this country. But this IS one of the things our troops are fighting for...so people like Jessica Lange can shoot their mouths off. That doesn't mean they (the people shooting their mouths off) don't pay consequences. BUT, it also doesn't mean that they don't support the troops. I get so sick of people in this country today equating dissent with a lack of support for our soldiers. THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE. You can (and should) disagree with your government anytime you feel they're doing something that's not right. It doesn't mean your viewpoint is the right one...only that you disagree.

Freedom of speech doesn't go out the window it gets controlled and it is one of the least understood in terms of rights. An example of this is where you have that freedom and believe it or not, private property is not one of the places. This would include the malls, private parking lots and even public streets where the speech may cause public unrest. Fighting words is another area that is not protected nor is yelling fire in a building full of people. The dissent you speak of is minor compared to that of 40 years ago and if miss Lange was a supporter of the troops then why would she choose to shoot her mouth off in a venue and in a manner that clearly is against their actions?

News flash, the President may have a notion that our nation goes to war but that notion must be approved by the elected populous and it was, so blame those that did say yes because they had the opportunity to say NO..... Too often the President gets blamed for it all when it's that nut case bunch on the hill that had the final say and we put them there.
I just wish all these actors, actress', musicians, etc, would should up and do what they are paid to do. I don't care if what they "preach" is what I think or the opposite, I don't want to hear it from you, you're an actor....shut your mouth! On that note...those that make millions and donate pennies just for tax and promotional reasons annoy me.
Hav, Bill & Hellgate, I agree with you. I think these "celebrities" do this because no press is bad press for them. They think if they cry out loud other whiny hippies will buy there music or movies because they can relate to them. Again, hand her an M-16 and send her to the show. People like to show no respect to our nation and troops even after all they have done for them. If it wasnt for these crying A$$ wusses we would have turned that place to glass and had gas for less than fifty cents a gallon. That would shut 'em up!

/end rant :D
Hav, Bill & Hellgate, I agree with you. I think these "celebrities" do this because no press is bad press for them. They think if they cry out loud other whiny hippies will buy there music or movies because they can relate to them. Again, hand her an M-16 and send her to the show. People like to show no respect to our nation and troops even after all they have done for them. If it wasnt for these crying A$$ wusses we would have turned that place to glass and had gas for less than fifty cents a gallon. That would shut 'em up!

/end rant :D

I think it's just becuase their STUPID:banghead::banghead: