If he don't win Bike of the Month a kitten might DIE!!

As you all know our estemed Rumologist Humperdinkle battles his alcholism once a month to stay sober long enough to go out on his Fizzer to beautiful locations in hopes of catching the winning photo for the bike of the month contest......alas he has failed to win our heart's.......so if we don't vote for him to win this month a kitten might be SHOT TO DEATH!!!!! (REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU GO TO THE POLL'S) poor kitten..... :( http://www.600riders.com/forum/bike-month/18140-vote-now-july-bike-month.html

Hey Steve....Be nice with my kitty...She is all mineeee...I am the one that can kill her if anything. Cause I got my avatar way before this.
I hope it doesn't have to get to this. Beware, you have been warned!

A new threat was just made against another cat........The terrorists say they will flush this poor cat if Humperdinkle does'nt Win........VOTE HUMP!!!!...Save the Kitty's.....:jawdrop:
This just in....... SHOCKING.......new photo show's captive kitten being tortured by Gaurd Dog....... VOTE HUMP!!!
Horrible new development in the Humperdinkle campain....the captures have began waterboarding kitten's until votes rise.......VOTE HUMP!!!!!
Our resident rumologist Humperdinkle .......This thread is his campain for bike of the month.... :D You have too vote for him or the kitty will Die!!!

Nah, bugga that, he's a QLD'er... he gets good riding weather all year round. He doen't need BOTM to inflate his ego even more...lmao.

BTW, this thread is cracking me up :thumbup: :thumbup:
