I did 13krpm 1st time

I went for a ride in the mountains yesterday and noticed that I barely took it over 9k. I'd say I was taking it pretty easy, just enjoying the scenery, but also hitting the corners with a fare bit of pace... It is just such a capable and enjoyable bike to ride! :D
If you are skilled enough to use 100% of the power of the FZ6 engine mods are pointless...you need a bigger bike because you are a pro!

The fact of the matter is 99.9% of us cannot use 75% of the potential of this bike on a closed track and maybe only 50% on a public road so this quest for more power is futile!

Learning to ride properly means MUCH more than power modifications. If you want to modify the bike...invest in suspension and keeping good tires on the wheels.

You don't need to be a pro to need (really want) a bigger bike. I jumped from the Fz6 to the Fz1 and would say I love the power on the 1 so much more. I went for a spirited ride 2 weekend ago with a group of really experienced riders. The first time I did this route with this group on the Fz6 I couldn't really keep up and routinely got smoked on the straights. I went with them on the Fz1 and I could catch up with them on the straights easy, but I was getting lost on the corners because I didn't have the confidence as good as on the Fz6 (I hate my PR2's).

It's the same as driving a Supercharged V-6 and a naturally aspirated V-8. All of them generate power and all of them can be driven fast but the smaller displacement you're going to have to wring the gears out to get the best speed where as the bigger displacement gives you a lot more room to work in the powerband with each gear.

Oh man, you have a poor imagination then..

Go take a liter bike for a test ride..:D

Best advice yet.

I've had a few straightaways and come near the red line, the bike is incredibly deceptive. you can be cruising at 5-6rpm's at 65mph on the highway making no noise whatsoever....

Then drop it two gears and punch it and you're over 100 in a split second and the bike is screaming!

I've hit a few straights and gone 120, but I don't make a habit of it....I don't want to be that rider.

I was riding home at 65mph yesterday, just cruising home, and a guy on a CBR started weaving in and out of traffic on the turnpike over 90+...guys like that give sport riders a bad name...

Honestly I don't get why people don't just open it up and learn where the rev limiter comes in. You can go up to 105-16 in 3rd. So in theory you could accomplish this by the time you're done going down an on-ramp.

I went for a ride in the mountains yesterday and noticed that I barely took it over 9k. I'd say I was taking it pretty easy, just enjoying the scenery, but also hitting the corners with a fare bit of pace... It is just such a capable and enjoyable bike to ride! :D

I found the Fz6 to be most enjoyable for fun without insane vibration from 6k-9k. Over that I found the vibrations to be too annoying. The Fz1 from 7k-9k is amazing and it is like a jet launching.
You don't need to be a pro to need (really want) a bigger bike. I jumped from the Fz6 to the Fz1 and would say I love the power on the 1 so much more. I went for a spirited ride 2 weekend ago with a group of really experienced riders. The first time I did this route with this group on the Fz6 I couldn't really keep up and routinely got smoked on the straights. I went with them on the Fz1 and I could catch up with them on the straights easy, but I was getting lost on the corners because I didn't have the confidence as good as on the Fz6 (I hate my PR2's).

It's the same as driving a Supercharged V-6 and a naturally aspirated V-8. All of them generate power and all of them can be driven fast but the smaller displacement you're going to have to wring the gears out to get the best speed where as the bigger displacement gives you a lot more room to work in the

You saying that kind of reminds me of the old trans am racing days, way before my time but don't mean I still don't love it. In particular the the Camaro Z28 DZ302, that car was built for one thing and one thing only, road racing (the trans am series) it was a dog below 4k even being a v8 but it would scream in the higher rpms an that's what you need on a road course. Very similar to how most SS type bikes are, especially the 600cc ones. These types of machines are meant to be run at high rpms for extended periods of time, if they wernt they would be designed different so that they have more grunt down low, similar to the fz6 vs the r6.
You saying that kind of reminds me of the old trans am racing days, way before my time but don't mean I still don't love it. In particular the the Camaro Z28 DZ302, that car was built for one thing and one thing only, road racing (the trans am series) it was a dog below 4k even being a v8 but it would scream in the higher rpms an that's what you need on a road course. Very similar to how most SS type bikes are, especially the 600cc ones. These types of machines are meant to be run at high rpms for extended periods of time, if they wernt they would be designed different so that they have more grunt down low, similar to the fz6 vs the r6.

Exactly where I was going with that. My first car was a 1982 Mercury Capri 5.0L 4 speed. I had to learn on a heavy clutch in a car that didn't like the RPM's to drop below 1500 or it would likely stall. So routine start would be trying to keep the rpm right at 2000 and engage the clutch. It was a constant effort in traffic to keep shifting between 2nd and 3rd. It was easier to just keep it in second and let the RPM's sing but I got pulled over once because the cop said I was revving the engine too much so I explained to him that I was a new driver and this car was difficult to drive. HE let me go thankfully.

Once I got better at driving, launching at 2500 RPM and working the 4000-5500 range up the canyon road to my house was too much fun for a 16 year old to have in a car like that.
Honestly I don't get why people don't just open it up and learn where the rev limiter comes in. You can go up to 105-16 in 3rd. So in theory you could accomplish this by the time you're done going down an on-ramp.

Honestly, because believe it or not, not every motorcycle rider enjoys speeding and/or driving recklessly. Taking the FZ6 to redline on public roads in any gear constitutes driving recklessly, whether you are speeding or not. A lot of motorcyclists actually enjoy being on two wheels and driving safely and carefully regardless of how fast they are going.

Oh and for the record, I enjoy driving recklessly on occasion :rockon:
Saw one similar to that yesterday, on a bypass flying between the traffic wearing nothing but a hoody....which was flying up his back in the wind! Idiot...

If I am going to ride like that though, I am happy to have something flapping around in the wind. It helps drivers to see you.

I don't really drive like that though, not on a busy highway anyway.
...and I have head to toe gear on.
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Originally Posted by Misti
I play the mom to the two kids I'm in the mini van driving and them I'm coaching them at the track and leading them around a few turns. Small part but fun none the less.

The mom is a member of the ninja 250 forum.:thumbup:

And a member of this forum :)
