I.C.E. tags anyone??

I use the Road ID most of the time. All they tell you to put on the Road ID is name, age, contact numbers, where you're from (just city/state), and any allergies or NKDA. Then if you have room put the blood type. It will expidite the process of finding out blood type, but it doesn't take long if it's not on there.

If you put age as a birth year you don't have to update it yearly. ;)
This has bothered me for quite awhile, as I am one of the "weirdos" who almost always has a sugar glider on my person (usually asleep in my shirt.)

I have often wondered what I would need to alert first-responders - should I ever be in a wreck rendered unconscious and the little guy survives - that when they cut-off my gear they will likely find a very scared, tiny sugar glider that will be looking for a bit of comfort...

Been three years of doing so, and the question nags at me every time I get on the bike.
I keep an ICE contact saved on my phone, and a list of emergency numbers written down in my wallet.

When I crashed recently my phone was smashed up and so that was useless. Luckily in between being unconsious I was able to explain to the paramedics in hospital that I had some emergency details in my wallet. I also keep a copy of my passport in there too.
I like to do geocaching and found a company that makes what they call an E-Tag or emergency tag, much like and ICE tag.

Dog Tag - GxSignatures Series

I've been thinking of getting one just haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. It's much like a military dog tag but with more options like color.

They would be great for geocachers because we like to go off the beaten path but they could also be great for motorcyclists as well.
When I rode bicycles I wore one of these Road ID® They have a newer version which allows you to customize and update your data rather than having a new tag made every time. I guess I should start wearing it again when I ride.

I had one for bicycle riding / racing too. It is a good idea to have it when motorcycle riding too.

They actually have some slim ones now that are the same size as the Livestrong bands, so I actually where mine all of the time.
I wear the road id tag whenever I leave the hose these day\
great product,price, people
There are a lot of smartphones out there these days that have QR code readers. If you have a lot of information, you could create an online document using something like Google Docs, then embed the link in a QR code, and then have that code printed on a card. If you are able to make a plastic ID card, instead of the photo, put the QR code. Try out my code below for a how to demo.