How "NOT" to get a speeding ticket


Junior Member
May 2, 2010
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Rule 1. Don't assume going fast in the hills is okay.

Rule 2. Don't go fast in the hills.

Rule 3. Don't forget to use your blinker if you get pulled over because you disregarded rules 1 and 2.

Rule 4. When the officer asks " do you know how fast you were going?" just be honest...

All I can think of right now is the speeding ticket I got today in the Dalles, Oregon. I got a 1140 dollar base fine for doing 109 in a posted 55.... Bad. Probably going to lose my license for 30 days now. Just don't do it....
If it makes you feel better, I would be in jail with a revoked license for going that fast in Virginia...
That's right on the verge of double the speed limit, I could be wrong but there are several states that would have not only given you the ticket but impounded your bike and put you up for the night at their county "hotel". I can understand your speed "getting away" from you in that area, it is pretty nice. Just have to keep an eye or two on speed next time.:spank:
That kind of speed in Michigan would win you a trip to the slammer. Count yourself lucky you only got a ticket!

As a way of mitigating the punishment, I would start looking into a "traffic lawyer" and take a driver safety course.

You'll end up with a guilty plea, however, the punishment/fines are often significantly less.
US speed laws are so draconian.

If you can see where you're going and have the ability to stop if you see a danger, I don't see a problem. Also, if you're not being aggressive when other motorists are present.
Oldie but true -

It's not the speed that kills.

It's the sudden stop.

We're all guilty of speeding, but a few kms/miles over the limit is one thing. Nearly double the limit is another.

The temptation of an open country road gets us all, but the police are being a little sneakier these days.

They may well be hiding behind the trees, waiting for someone to say "there's no one around, I'll just open her up a little...."
Good advice Chris, sorry to hear about the ticket.

My friends and I had the same thing happen in Texas. Four of us were being stupid through the hilly twisty roads, and coming over the last hill the constable caught us at about 105. Luckily we had already slowed down by then.

Good thing for us he was in a good mood...he let the last two of us (one of which was me!) go with a warning. The two "leaders" got tickets, but he only wrote down 90mph...which was 25mph over the 65mph speed limit. More than 25mph over you lose your license and go for a ride with the nice officer. Nice guy, nobody lost their licenses...just a normal speeding ticket on the record. And in TX you can get the ticket wiped off the record if you do a motorcycle safety course.
The first time I was found going 104 in a 55 (in my cage) icongested the ticket. They dropped it down to 24 over the limit and saved me a boatload in mandatory fines. The second time I was found going 101 in a 55, I went to defensive driving classes to keep my licence. I was paying that one off for many years. Now- I drive slower. Speeding is for the bike, not the car. And I only hit those speeds when the road is clear of cops ahead (ie rule nos 1&2).
You need to get a traffic lawyer - I've never had to use one, but I have motorcycling buddies that swear by them. For $200 to $400, they can save you a ton of $$$ and hassle.
Good advice Chris, sorry to hear about the ticket.

My friends and I had the same thing happen in Texas. Four of us were being stupid through the hilly twisty roads, and coming over the last hill the constable caught us at about 105. Luckily we had already slowed down by then.

Good thing for us he was in a good mood...he let the last two of us (one of which was me!) go with a warning. The two "leaders" got tickets, but he only wrote down 90mph...which was 25mph over the 65mph speed limit. More than 25mph over you lose your license and go for a ride with the nice officer. Nice guy, nobody lost their licenses...just a normal speeding ticket on the record. And in TX you can get the ticket wiped off the record if you do a motorcycle safety course.

what area of houston ya at im at NW lucly it wasnt a montgomery cty cop

those are mean lol
Yeah guys... I'm totally guilty, I just grew up hearing things like "go in the hills to play around"
Anyways, I'm looking at at $1200.00 fine and 30-90 days suspension...
Might have to sell the bike now because it is my impression they want the ticket pain in full...
Anyways, My bike is posted on craigslist portland. Don't go fast if you aren't ready for the consequence I guess.

My buddy said "at least you didn't crash"
I said "at least they didn't clock me when I was going 141"
US speed laws are so draconian.

If you can see where you're going and have the ability to stop if you see a danger, I don't see a problem. Also, if you're not being aggressive when other motorists are present.

Lonesoldier: I realize that we're two individuals from different countries, but I simply don't see the logic in your reasoning.

It seems ignorant and dangerous to suggest that riders should be able to exceed the speed limit if nobody is around and the rider has the ability to stop.

I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and try to convince anyone here that I've never exceeded the speed limit on my FZ6. The truth is, I've run the bike over 130 mph on a public highway, and I was scared to death. Sure, nobody was around, and I never got caught. Despite all that, I put myself in significant danger because there simply is no way I could have safely stopped to avoid an animal (I live in Northern Michigan).

Lets look at this from a mathematical standpoint. At 130 mph, a rider will cover 191 feet per second. It takes the average person .75 seconds to perceive something and another .75 seconds to react to it. So now we have used 1.50 seconds to perceive/react to a deer standing in the roadway 300 feet ahead while we're doing 130 mph. In that time, we just gobbled up 286 feet and we have not done anything to bring ourselves safely to a stop. By the time we begin to brake/downshift/take evasive action, we've hit the deer, and are now pavement surfing just hoping our gear holds out (if we're not already dead).

Speed limits exist for a reason. They are meant to keep folks safe, and not exceed the capabilities of vehicles and the folks who drive them.

I may catch hell for this post, but I needed to get the info out there.
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Lonesoldier: I realize that we're two individuals from different countries, but I simply don't see the logic in your reasoning.

It seems ignorant and dangerous to suggest that riders should be able to exceed the speed limit if nobody is around and the rider has the ability to stop.

I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and try to convince anyone here that I've never exceeded the speed limit on my FZ6. The truth is, I've run the bike over 130 mph on a public highway, and I was scared to death. Sure, nobody was around, and I never got caught. Despite all that, I put myself in significant danger because there simply is no way I could have safely stopped to avoid an animal (I live in Northern Michigan).

Lets look at this from a mathematical standpoint. At 130 mph, a rider will cover 191 feet per second. It takes the average person .75 seconds to perceive something and another .75 seconds to react to it. So now we have used 1.50 seconds to perceive/react to a deer standing in the roadway 300 feet ahead while we're doing 130 mph. In that time, we just gobbled up 286 feet and we have not done anything to bring ourselves safely to a stop. By the time we begin to brake/downshift/take evasive action, we've hit the deer, and are now pavement surfing just hoping our gear holds out (if we're not already dead).

Speed limits exist for a reason. They are meant to keep folks safe, and not exceed the capabilities of vehicles and the folks who drive them.

I may catch hell for this post, but I needed to get the info out there.

Sort of agree, but either way, a bloke selling his bike to pay for a fine makes me a little sad :(
EDITED, I didn't see this second page and that you had to sell your bike... :(
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Speed limits exist for a reason. They are meant to keep folks safe, and not exceed the capabilities of vehicles and the folks who drive them.

I respectfully disagree, sir - I'm not trying to be an advocate for reckless driving or excessive speeding. However, based on your statement, the "sole" reason for speed limits is safety. I then must ask why the state of Illinois (and many other states) are still using speed limits from the 1950's, when by contrast, automotive technology (brakes/suspension) have improved exponentially since then. Why does the autobahn have such a spectacular safety record....? IT's a safer road, yet it has higher speed limits... Hmmm.... (This discussion could be another thread in itself!)

Speed limits are part safety, part politics. On a clear road, I don't believe that 100mph on a FZ6 is dangerous. On a bike, any collision over 25mph is potentially lethal, and honestly, 50mph+ to a motorcyclist pretty much has the same results - death if you're stupid enough to not wear gear, and potential death if you're wearing a helmet/gear.

If safety was the primary concern, we shouldn't be riding motorcycles at all.

As I said, I am not condoning reckless driving or speeding through school zones. However, 100mph in the left hand lane on a clear freeway is not a problem to me. To the state, however, it is a problem - one that can be solved by excessive ticketing.

Just my .02
As I said, I am not condoning reckless driving or speeding through school zones. However, 100mph in the left hand lane on a clear freeway is not a problem to me. To the state, however, it is a problem - one that can be solved by excessive ticketing

You're right, it isn't a problem for most, but who determines what is a clear highway? We all have different opinions on "safe", "clear" and so on. Rules are there for the "stupid" in my opinion, but are there to keep order. You can't leave it up to the individual to determine what is a safe speed.

If you polled 100 people I sure you'd get 100 different answers on what a safe speed is. There has to some order somewhere. If you do the crime be prepaired to pay the fine!