Horn saved me again...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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Tonight I pulled up to a stop sign, the "stem" of a T intersection. Guy coming from my right signals to make a left-hand turn, and completely cuts the corner, aimed right at me! There was no place to pull forward, I couldn't have backed up by foot quick enough, so I laid on the horn and prayed. He swerved just in time, still staring straight ahead but I could see his wife start to get really agitated as he drove off, chew his ass lady!

Whew, that was a close one... :eek:
Toooooo close to call. Just be glad he swerved................. Hope his wife gave him a good chewing......... Had to many close calls myself in my short time of riding. Glad you did not get hit.
once again......rocks in the pockets lol

good job im glad he didnt hit you. are you sure she wasnt already yelling at him and he was staring straight ahead and ignoring her? lol
Glad you didn't get hit!
I'm taking a class this summer in Tulsa and it seems I always end up next to the SUV driver that changes lanes without looking or signalling. I've scared the bajeezus out of several passengers though. If it weren't for the risk involved, I'd do it more often. :)
Wait unil VEGASRIDER hears about this! I'm a strong believer in "covering" the horn in certain situations for insurance. Why, I might even install a horn on my bed! (joke). Seriously, a horn is invaluable. It also wakes up the moron in front of you who fell asleep duing a light change!
Tonight I pulled up to a stop sign, the "stem" of a T intersection. Guy coming from my right signals to make a left-hand turn, and completely cuts the corner, aimed right at me! There was no place to pull forward, I couldn't have backed up by foot quick enough, so I laid on the horn and prayed. He swerved just in time, still staring straight ahead but I could see his wife start to get really agitated as he drove off, chew his ass lady!

Whew, that was a close one... :eek:

Can't tell you how many times the horn has saved me from people not "paying attention." Glad to hear that the situation went for the better than for the worse!!!:Flash:
Any of you horn-advocates accidentally hit the horn whilst signalling a turn? Maybe once a week I will accidentally brush the horn button while reaching for the turn signals and I already feel embarrassed with my "Meep, Meep" horn. I can only imagine it'd be worse with a fog horn ...
I'm so proud of you Botch!

Wait unil VEGASRIDER hears about this! I'm a strong believer in "covering" the horn in certain situations for insurance.

The horn is our most under-rated safety feature.


These are great quotes, I'm going to use them in my MSF classes!

Just remember, you can't rely on your horn to save your ass all the time! Especially if you still have your wimpy stock horn. For those who haven't already, your first mod should be getting a louder horn. Most of us on the forum have the Stebel Nautilus Air Horn. 140dbs blast of ear piercing sound that litteraly announces "WTF are you doing Moron!"
Tonight I pulled up to a stop sign, the "stem" of a T intersection. Guy coming from my right signals to make a left-hand turn, and completely cuts the corner, aimed right at me! There was no place to pull forward, I couldn't have backed up by foot quick enough, so I laid on the horn and prayed. He swerved just in time, still staring straight ahead but I could see his wife start to get really agitated as he drove off, chew his ass lady!

Whew, that was a close one... :eek:

Glad that he did not hit you, funny how they stare straight in front as if you don't exist. Had a few close calls myself over the years with the standard horn fitted did not feel as if was load enough. :(

Much better now as I have a STEBEL Nautilus Air Horn fitted, just the other day a van tried to cut me up one long blast on the horn he soon flew back into the other lane. :thumbup:
Any of you horn-advocates accidentally hit the horn whilst signalling a turn? Maybe once a week I will accidentally brush the horn button while reaching for the turn signals and I already feel embarrassed with my "Meep, Meep" horn.
I occasionally do this, it's the REAL reason I wear a full-face helmet! ;)

Vegasrider, it's actually your previous posts that got me into the habit of "covering" my horn in questionable situations, and I was doing it that night; THANKS! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

I did replace my "meep-meep" with an aftermarket horn a year or so ago, thinks its called "Friam", or "Fram", or "Frampton" or something; I still may opt for the Stebel which, from what I've read, is much louder, worth the $$. :thumbup:
Any of you horn-advocates accidentally hit the horn whilst signalling a turn? Maybe once a week I will accidentally brush the horn button while reaching for the turn signals and I already feel embarrassed with my "Meep, Meep" horn. I can only imagine it'd be worse with a fog horn ...

I've got a stebel on my bike and, on my more dick-fingered days, I'm prone to just that sort of thing. I've gotten the stink-eye from more than one driver as I sheepishly wave in apology...
Good to hear you made it out alright man. The horn is amazing, its so LOUD and ear piercing.

Just the other day driving down a 2 lane road, I was in the left lane getting ready to switch to the center lane to turn left. Well this older man in the right lane started pulling into my lane and got half way in (luckily i was in lane position 1) when i LAID on the horn unnecessarily longer than i needed to. He looked over and we were side by side. I flipped him off and he just looked startled and pulled into the gas station behind me. He never said anything, just walked past me looking at the ground.

Well the horn saved me that time. :)

Vegasrider, it's actually your previous posts that got me into the habit of "covering" my horn in questionable situations, and I was doing it that night; THANKS! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

In this city, there isn't one ride without me covering the horn, clutch and brakes at least once because there are so many questionable situations that develope on every ride, no matter how short or how long the ride.

I'm sure it's the same for most of you members too.
Is there any respectable horn out there that will mount (easily?) into the same spot as the stock horn and can be directly wired (i.e. not require a relay)? I'm thinking it might be better to get the occasional "stink eye" for accidental honking rather than a left front fender ...